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Maybe it was instinct or just blind luck that I summoned the boosted gear and used it as a shield while applying all my short-term buffs.

I was almost blown away as the force slammed into me and the stones around my body were upheaveled.

What the fuck!?

[That was interesting.]

The fuck did it just do? That wasn’t like normal magic, the world bent when it shouted......almost like a marble phantasm, but that isn’t right either. My oak flesh was torn apart at impact too, Jeese I can’t get hit by that.

Okay, serious time.

“Ddraig, lets do this.”

[Finally, I thought I would never see any action.]

“BOOST” The echoing roar of the gauntlet shot out. My body was filled with overwhelming power as everything about me was doubled.

What a rush.

A few spells flew towards me, I saw the necromancer in the corner began joining the fight. I moved, and it felt like the world around me turned slower. Reinforcement along with my physical abilities doubled, I had long suprassed the physical limits of normal humans.

My gauntlet-clad fist found the cheek of the zombie, picking it off its feet and knocking it back into the wall. It dropped its weapon, an Axe, seemingly made of ebony.

I think the necromancer got scared because he started throwing around wide-range spells, ignoring everything else.

“Firestorm” He screamed, as the entire area was enveloped in a red-hue. At the focal point near the ceiling, a cascade of fire began to rain from above. He dove behind a nearby pillar, casting a shield spell along with anything else he probably would have time for.

Annoying, but not anything I can’t deal with.

“Freezing winds of Jotunheim” I clapped my hands together. The runes spun around me like a tornado, cold air bellowed out freezing everything in all directions. My spell overwhelmed his fire even as they collided. Magically, my spells should have been on the losing side when they pushed due to his natural advantage from the elements. But mine was invoked with much stronger power both from origin and amount of magicka pushed in.

I calmly walked towards the pill the necromancer was hiding behind. I saw him jump out, hands ablaze and throw a few fireballs at me.

With a flick of my own hand, I conjured a Lesser Ward and swat away the weak spells.

Kicking off the ground, I moved faster than he could react, and my sword impaled him through the heart. The life died in his eyes, and I made sure to flick an ‘Ansuz’ rune onto his body, no telling what he had hiding inside his body.

Necromancers usually tended to be strange people, no point in taking any risks and just burn the whole thing.

I was about to look over his burnt ashes, but my instincts flared and I quickly ducked down. I felt a sharp edge wiz past my head, slamming into the stone wall.

“You’re still alive.” I mumbled, slipping under the zombie’s arm.

I cast Telekinesis in one hand and Turn Undead in the other. Both basic spells in their respective schools and, pushed them together at the center of the zombie.

Its stomach caved in, I felt its weathered bones cracking as the thing’s body broke down and exploded backwards.

Stones broke and shattered at the impact; I saw pieces of its body get flown across the room but even still…it still had a little bit of light in its eyes.

I just shook my head. “Rest in peace.” I ignited the remains of its body, letting it turn to ash.

Looking around the room, I felt like I could have handled that better. I never felt out of control, except that one moment where I forgot about the zombie and assumed it died. Its just…..I can’t help but keep comparing myself to the old me. The one who had lived for an uncountable number of years and went through many life or death situations.

I could only click my tongue with a mental promise to get some decent training in.

Well, lets see what treasure is left behind?

I of course took the ebony axe, from what I understand, it should be wroth a good chunk of coin. There was a side room I opened up, inside was a bed, table and some containers, most notably a chest.

Opening it up I just stared, dumbfounded at it being filled with gold. Why was it filled with gold, besides the obvious I mean. He was apparently going to be raising an army to ‘conquer’ Skyrim or some other nonsense, what did he need so much gold for? I highly doubt he would be paying his undead for their services……probably. I had met weirder people in my memories.

There were a few places mark on an ugly drawn map of the surrounding area. Were these graveyards…..okay so he did have a plan and didn’t expect to take over Skyrim with a handful of shitty undead.

I reached for a book on the table and I felt my body almost fall to the ground. I caught myself and took a few deep breaths.

[Careful there, the first time is the hardest.]

Shit, did not expect that. My boost had warn out and my body returned to normal. I ached a tiny bit, moving in ways I shouldn’t have been able to. It felt like I had just gone through a good workout.

[It should get easier the more you use it, and it will build up your strength in turn so you can push your limits further]

Interesting, another thing I need to spend time training with. Obviously in hindsight, but it was good to experience it firsthand.

I grabbed everything not bolted to the floor and threw it into my ring, if it could be sold it was coming with me!

All that was left….inside a sort of shrine was the handle of a sword. There were engravings and remains of spells being cast all around it.

I assume this is the artifact in question? I drew the sword without any fanfare and inspected the oddly shaped weapon.

It looked remarkably sharp, but I could barely feel any power coming from it. Well, I guess I better head back.

I made sure to burn all the other corpses along the way, don’t want any more necromancers to get any ideas.


“Killed the necromancer, got the sword.” I waved the thing around infront of the giant statue.

“But, my light hasn’t cleansed my temple.” The voice said in confusion.

“Oh, you mean those other beacon things? I just ignored those.”

“…….my light needs to cleanse the sword.”

I just shrugged and put the light inside the giant beam that was shooting up into the sky. The sword began to glow bright, a holy light enveloped it and I felt something take hold of me and sweep me way up in the sky.

Before I realized it, I was probably several miles up in the air, overlooking Skyrim and there was a ball of light floating infront of me.

“Malkoran is vanquished. Skyrim’s dead shall remain at rest as it should be. This is because of you. A new day is dawning, and you shall be its herald. Take the mighty Dawnbreaker and with it purge corruption from the dark corners of the world. Wield it in my name, that my influence may grow.”

“You want me to be your….champion?” I hazard a guess, and I guess the sword was called Dawnbreaker.

“Yes.” She answered simple, the ball of light pulsed.

“What about my reward?”

“Your reward?”

“Was I not promised great rewards? I’m pretty sure it was repeated…..numerous times.”

“You will wield my artifact, Dawnbreaker.”

“You mean the item that was the spoils of my battle after cleansing your temple. Something I would have gotten regardless?”


There was a bit of silence, I think she was contemplating what I said. But I was curious and reached out the poke the ball of light. Nothing happened, but…..I kept poking it.

Was this a ‘projection of sorts…. I’m aware that these Daedra couldn’t enter the world normally, they could only do something like this, but does this lead back to her ‘realm’. My academic mind was overwhelmed with curiosity, or that’s how I rationalized it to myself.

I followed the ‘thread’ that linked to this little ball of light and touched on the Kaleidoscope, using the ‘thread’ as a sort of bridge, I opened a portal.

I looked forward, and a woman on a throne stared back at me, completely dumbfounded. She radiated power, enough to make me freeze in place, but I was also overwhelmed by what I saw.


She had bright blonde hair that flowed down her shoulders, and slightly tanned skin that was free from any blemishes. Blue robes that hugged every curve of her body, and long legs that my eyes refused to look away from. The robes were cut just high enough to see her legs in all their glory.

“Sorry, wrong address.” I quickly closed the portal, realizing what I had just done.

[That was stupid.]


“You! How did you just….you opened a portal to my realm of oblivion, HOW?” Her voice carried her confusion, annoyance, and surprise.

“Portal, what portal? Anyways, I was promised rewards, I think ‘great’ was mentioned as well. So…..” I masterfully changed the subject.

“Fine. But we are not done with this. What rewards do you wish, I will grant anything in my power, gold knowledge –“

“Really, anything in your power?” I questioned.

[Don’t do it.]

I’m sorry Ddraig.

[No. Don’t you dare!]

“I said I would, and so I shall.” She said with a bit more power in her voice.

“Be my woman.” I answered without any hesitation whatsoever.


“……what?” Her confused voice echoed out

[Why? This can only end badly]

Poor impulse control combined with the fact that I’m a teenage devil.


You’re right, those legs were just too much for me to resist.

[Well, it was a short partnership, but it was fun. Nice knowing you.]

I would gladly die between those thighs of hers.


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