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Next chapter Poll

  • Looking Glass Omake 244
  • Kunou's Hogwarts Adventures 168
  • Normal Chapter 66
  • Both Looking Glass Omake and Kunou's Hogwarts Adventures, but with a delayed release. 819
  • 2024-07-30
  • 1297 votes
{'title': 'Next chapter Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Looking Glass Omake', 'votes': 244}, {'text': "Kunou's Hogwarts Adventures", 'votes': 168}, {'text': 'Normal Chapter', 'votes': 66}, {'text': "Both Looking Glass Omake and Kunou's Hogwarts Adventures, but with a delayed release.", 'votes': 819}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 30, 1, 24, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 1297}


Doing a short time skip as the few days leading up to the Fae war arc probably isn't needed to be written out as I basically implied everything that was happening and can just regulate it to the background. So, I'm giving you guys a few options on what to do for 'next chapter'.

First option, is the Looking Glass omake. And I usually don't delay the chapter for an omake, but htis one has gotten rather long and I have absolutely no notes for it so it's going to take me awhile to write it. And I'll be honest, I'm very slow at writing, a 'normal' chapter with notes can take me a full 24 hours to write sometimes.

Second, a Kunou chapter. This doesn't need explaining, but Kunou chapters will be canon chapters, therefore part of the story and take up the regular release.

Third, is a 'normal' chapter, the start of the Fae War.

Fourth, Both the Omake and the Kunou chapter together. This one is a bit special, but I figured I would throw the option out because I got a lot of people wanting both the omake and the kunou. This option, the caveat is that the normal release would be a bit more delayed since it'll take me awhile to do both.


Lazy Ghost

Kind of curious about what’s going to happen with meeting Riser. What about the Star Rail omake?

Leonel Gutierrez

Did the one where the mc went to a different dxd continued or it just ended when the mother call him back to explain?


Really hoping "The mysterious Red-Headed woman" gets more love... or lovin.


Did you really need to ask for kunuo adventures and looking glass? (Btw im back!)