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I looked out the window as the stars passed by.

I was riding a train through space, I don’t think I would ever forget this memory despite the fantastical sights I’ve witnessed in my long life.

“Thank you again. Honestly, when I asked, I really wasn’t expecting much.” I looked at the other ‘riders’ of the train.

“Did you think we don’t backtrack?” The Red-head, Himeko, the Astral Express’s navigator looked at me and chuckled.

“Well, I always hear how the Astral Express never stops going forward in the tales. Always pushing forward, trailblazing the paths that no one else will.”

That merely got a chuckle from them. “It’s hard to keep Trailblazing without supplies. We were getting ready to move on to our next Trailblaze as it were with a stop to Penacony. But we wanted to stock up before making a proper jump forward. Herta’s Space Station just so happened to be our destination for that, so it was no trouble taking a passenger along.”

“The money helps too.” The one named March nodded sagely.

“March!” Himeko covered her face.

“Well, one is expected to pay a fare when chartering a ride on a train.” I didn’t take offense. “Honestly, I’m grateful. This is a wonderful experience, and I’ve heard much about the Nameless and their recent journey through the stars.”

“Really, you’ve heard of me too?” The Silver haired girl looked intrigued.

“Of course. The tales of bludgeoned individuals and scoured trash cans are well know.” I nodded.

“Sweet!” She held up a peace sign while the others groaned and sighed. “Then you can call me by my official title, the Galactic Baseballer.”

“That’s not her title, ignore her.” Himeko sighed, running her hand down her face. “However, I suppose we should properly introduce ourselves. “I’m Himeko, here we have Stella, March, Dan Heng and Welt. And of course Pom-Pom is the conductor, but they’re busy at the moment.”

They all gave a polite nod my way.

“Charmed.” I politely bowed my head. “I am Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg, though you probably already knew that after doing a background check.”

“Actually, there was very little information I could find even with the services of Luofu. I only was able to retrieve some passing mentions of you working with the Genius Society.” Welt stated. “If you don’t mind me asking, where are you from, Mr. Schweinorg?”

“Oh, I’m from a small planet you probably never heard of. Funny enough people look at me and are like ‘you named your planet dirt’, but it was named Earth and –“

Welt’s cane scraped across the floor. “Come again?”

“Did I say something wrong?” Everyone was looking at me strangely.

“Your home planet….Earth?” Himeko repeated. “That is surprising to hear.”

“Why – “

“I am from Earth.” Welt stated bluntly.

“Oh?” I was genuinely surprised because…well, I didn’t really take the simple way to this universe. “Color me surprised, a fellow countryman. Though, I was born in Japan, where were you from?”

Welt clamped up clearing my throat. “Excuse me, I apologize. I was skeptical for a moment, but unless you have knowledge of Earth, you wouldn’t know the term ‘Japanese’ without prompt. This is….odd for me, I never thought I would mean someone from my home. Do….do you have the coordinates?”

“I apologize, I didn’t leave through….traditional methods. I have no idea how to reach there through the paths.” I said helplessly.

I wasn’t even sure there was an Earth in this universe until now.

Apparently, Welt here didn’t leave through traditional methods either.

“I see…..I thank you regardless. Knowing that there is someone else from my home here among us….it fills me with a sense of happiness.” He smiled rather grandfatherly. “If you don’t mind, I would like to speak later about home, it has been a long time since I have had someone to share those memories with.”

“I would be delighted.” Well, as a fellow Earther, I felt sympathy, so It wasn’t difficult for me to accept his request. “I’m curious about that Black Hole You’re carrying around in the form of a Cane just as well.” I chuckled.

He raised an eyebrow. “…not many people are able to see through it. Curious.”

Well, the atmosphere got a little awkward.

“So you’re with the Genius Society?” Himeko seemingly changed the subject. “I wasn’t aware you were a member.”

“Well, it’s a little nuanced. The Genius Society is technically only the main members that are rather well known….but they have quite a few people working directly under them that while aren’t ‘members’ are….co-workers?”

“That’s impressive. We’ve met Madam Herta, Screwllum, Ruan Mei!” Stella excitedly relayed. “They’re all….”

“Anti-social, lacking common sense, a bit crazy?” I offered.

“….unique.” She snorted.

“What was your job then?” March asked. “Madam Herta has a lot of people under her in the space station, but they’re always doing a  bunch of other stuff.”

“Oh, I was a retrieval specialist. Basically, I went out and obtained precious or difficult to acquire resources that they requested.” I summarized.

It was fun, if a lot less glamourous than they probably thought.

“That sounds interesting! I bet you’ve gone to and seen a lot of places! Is that why you’re going to Herta’s Space Station, to drop something off for her?” March asked.

“….something like that.”

“Should we give them a heads up about your arrival then?” Welt asked.

“Uh, there’s not need.” I quickly waived it off. “I’ll just….surprise them with my visit.” I forced a smile.

“oh…..was I not supposed to say anything?” Stella went blank and I noticed she was holding up her phone…and it started vibrating like crazy. “….why is Herta getting mad at me? And….why is she saying you’re not allowed within 100 quadrants of her space station?”

They all stared at me and I awkwardly cleared my throat. “Well….it’s complicated.”

Himeko let out a sigh, rubbing the bridge of her nose. “Please don’t tell me we let a wanted criminal onto the Astral Express, or that you intended to use us to smuggle you aboard her space station.”

They all looked like they were about to restrain me.

“It’s complicated!”

“Un-complicate it.”

“Technically, I’m not banned from her space station.”

Stella held up her phone with quite a few…..interesting choice of words directed her way by Herta for which she described me. None of which were pleasant.

“I was never officially banned. While Herta founded it, named it, and well…everyone acknowledges it as hers, it’s actually Astra’s since she paid for it and continues to pay for everything.” I quickly stated.

“Sophistry won’t help you, Mr.Schweinorg.” Welt replied. “We are more than willing to listen to your explanation, but we are friends with Madam Herta and the Space Station as a whole. Not only that, but they provide us with significant donations and resources to continue our Trailblazing mission. We can’t turn a blind eye to something like this. So please give us a reason to not lock you up for the continuation of our journey and alert the security at the Space Station upon our arrival.”

I let out a sigh knowing I was backed into a corner here. I really didn’t want to become hostile with either the Astral Express crew or the Space Station considering the reason I’m going there.

“Herta and I……are married.”

That was apparently enough because the overt tension dissipated immediately as they merely looked at me with bewilderment and confusion.

….this was going to be a long train ride.



Somewhat similar to the ending of the last omake with Saber Alter, but it’s going in a completely different direction. This is mostly just a test to get the idea that was stuck in my head out on paper, so to speak.







Tittle saids stair rather than star


Is this a hint that Honkai might be involved later? If so neat, so many waifus!!

Nightmare1151 Almanza

Alright you had my curiosity before now you my attention would love to see more of this omake

Bradley Scurlock

I like the idea behind this. I look forward to seeing more of this particular omake if you decide to continue.


I don’t know much about trial blazing, I know a lot about genshin impact.


Seems interesting, no idea what half the stuff going on means though since the only Honkai I'm familiar with is GI.


Idea successfully removed. I know absolutely nothing about Honkai Star Rail or any of the IPs owned by the company that made that game (Hoyoverse?) But you conveyed a lot of the other characters well that I got a sense for them right away. I'm curious to see where this goes, but I will admit to preferring Looking Glass more because of that bizarre awkwardness that is two versions of some people meeting (and dual Venelanas are just good civilization!)


Pls don't include Jpn Games like this in the mainstory. I never get the Storyline or what it is about.


My brother in christ, we have FGO in the story so that is a lost cause


I want more. Maybe with Honkai Impact 3rd.

Joseph Fera

For some reason, this makes me want to see how Will would interact with Lalatina Darkness from Konosuba. But that might be due to me having just finished re reading the full series

Lazy Ghost

This looks like a fun idea. I hope to see more of this in the future.



Fauzan Mulyadi

I don't see how herta and Wilhelm become a married couple lol

Kyle Cooper

Haha! Very amusing. I'm curious to read what dynamic you've given Wilhelm and Herta. Also, Wilhelm might be able to help Welt!


The main story is literally Fate tho. And HSR is made by a chinese company soooo.

Kevin Lee



Doesn’t do anything for me personally. Have no interest in the setting at all.


You mean GGZ or Honkai Impact 3rd? Genshin doesn't have honkai.

Nur Selim

I DEMAND MOARRRR *kh khi Chocking noises*. Nah but in all seriousness that was awesome.


Let's goooooo. It's great to see more Honkai : Star Rail content, especially from you. Started playing the game a while ago and it's held my interest pretty strongly.

Aaron Yates

Feeling the same here in looking forward to more “Through the Looking Glass” or the DxD/Fate system snippet.

omar ayoubi

I love this just a few grammar mistakes like Stelle is how her name is written not Stella. "and scoured trash cans are well know." Known instead of know. There is more but you can easily find them with a skim read

omar ayoubi

Not that I'm telling you to stop this story is amazing lol

Garrett Collins

ive known stuff about every other verse so far, i know absolutely nothing about this one lmao


I just thought for two omake ideas. First is a WWE match between Jacob, Big G, Watermelon Warrior (tries to hit Big G with a chair but is stopped be Jeanne), Jeanne(lasts 2 minutes on the ring before Watermelon warrior gropes her making her run), Father Swole and lastly Ddraig as the commentator. Second is where Watermelon teaches David how to dance and the reactions when he starts break dancing before Big G while music is being played by Watermelon

Sage Berthelsen

Well everyone deserves to get drunk occasionally.


It's Will's SOP. New world, new wife. :P


A WWE omake would be a funny one 💀 (imagine it’s at the time Vince made a match against god only for him to actually appear)

Alf Alucar

Nice, hope honkai will be a actual world in canon. Lots of nice technical stuff to mess with there. Plus a universe which deals in researching extraterrestrial beings of ungodly cosmic power that defy logic would be usuaful for dealing with ORT.


I REALLY like the idea of Wilhemn bouncing around in the Honkai series. Can we have a meeting between him & Kiana!? P L E A S E!