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I opened my eyes as information flooded into my mind.

A small smile gradually pulling on my face.

So this is what it’s like to be a Servant? Though how many times I’ve had this though was up to debate because I’m sure I think the same thing every time I’m summoned.

“By your summons, I’ve come forth. Are you my master?” I asked upon the radiant Magical Energy dying down. I only blinked in realization of who I was staring at. “Ritsuka, Mash?”

“Welcome – what?” Ritsuka questioned as I apparently named them. “How do you know us?”

“Well, this is awkward.” I scratched my head. “I assume Da Vinci is around?”

“I’m here, and curious. You know me as well, but I don’t recognize you?” She seemed confused.

I tried to open my mouth, because I remembered the Grand Order, my time during Chaldea while I was alive, but as soon as I tried to grasp those thoughts, it was like they vanished.

I was summoned without the knowledge, the details of what I went through, only recalling…well, myself and those around me sort of.

My memories were….vague to say the least.

“Allow me to introduce myself. Servant Saber, Grandson of Zelretch, Magician, And Leader of B-Team in my world-line. Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg, at your service.” I politely bowed at my own introduction.


“B-Team Leader!?”

“Grandson of the Kaleidoscope!?”

They all seemed to speak at once. “Yes.” I simply nodded with a grin.

“T-that means you’re from a Parallel world! That means you know what’s going on right? If you were the B-team Leader –” Mash started rambling.

“Ah, I apologize my little cinnamon roll.” I found myself patting her head like I did in the past. “But upon my summoning, I don’t recall the details of the Grand Order. I remember the people around me, what my role was….but the singularities are blank, only that they exist and what-not.”

“Mash taught me a little bit about this stuff….does that mean you knew me, over there?” Ritsuka asked.

“Ritsuka Fujimaru.” I smiled nostalgically. “You were directly under my purview. Olga also enjoyed getting on your case the most out of our team.”

“The Director?” Ritsuka said quietly.

“…..where is Olga?”

“The Director is gone.” Da Vinci spoke through the systems. “She died during the initial attack. She appeared in the Fuyuki Singularity, but she was just a soul and was….killed thoroughly by Lev.”

For the briefest moment, I lost control of my Reiatsu, and the building shook.

Mash panicked and summoned her shield, standing protectively infront of Ritsuka.

“I apologize, I let my temper get the better of me there for a moment.” I strained a smile reeling myself back in. “So Olga didn’t make it here.”

“She….was alright over there?” Ritsuka hazarded a guess.

“Yeah, I suppose I managed to save her. You said Lev killed her? I vaguely remember that name and it makes me inordinately angry. Regardless, I am at your command, Master.” I politely bowed again.

“Wait, if you were the B-team leader, then shouldn’t you handle things?! I barely know what I’m doing, but if – “

I put a hand up, interrupting my new master. “The Dead can’t lead the living, Master. Perhaps it’s the reason I don’t remember all the details, I’m not allowed to. I am here to serve, but if you want help, if you need advice, that’s within my capacity to provide.”

Ritsuka sighed, slumping is shoulders before regaining his composure. “Alright, I’m happy to have you on board, Saber!” Ritsuka smiled despite it.

“We’ll need a detailed explanation on what you do know, Saber.” Da Vinci chimed in. “Anything you could provide us would help.”

“Of course. If I may ask, what Singularities have been resolved thus far?”

“We have completed the first four and we’re preparing for the fifth as we speak.” Da Vinci informed me.

“Ah…that should be….” I rubbed my temples recalling the information as it apparently wasn’t a secret. “North America.”

“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. We should talk later, I’ve never spoken to a Magician before.” Da Vinci sounded amused. “But I need to get back to work, settle our new servant, Ritsuka.”

“Haha, knowing all this, well, it’s probably familiar with you. I guess I’ll show you which room is yours?” He chuckled awkwardly.

I couldn’t fault him, it was going to be a little awkward for awhile and they were taking the news fairly well.

“Where are the others?” I asked.

“Others?” Ritsuka questioned.

“Other members of B-Team.”

“….there is no one else.”

“….oh.” I felt my anger boiling over but I kept a lid on it and balled my fists. “And I assume A-Team…?”

Ristuka just smiled awkwardly, and he didn’t need to answer.

“What about Servants, who all have you summoned so far?” I asked, changing the subject.

Ritsuka seemed thankful that he did because his expression brightened. “That’s a bit hard to answer because we have a lot so far. If you’re looking for anyone specific…?”

“It’s fine, I can mingle on my own and figure out what’s going on.” I waived it off. It would give me the opportunity to get my head on straight because even for me, this situation was…. unfortunate.

“Well, we usually start with the main areas…the cafeteria is the closest.” Ritsuka said as we walked up to it. “It’s probably not new, but here we are, Chaldea’s Cafeteria.” He pushed open the doors and a whole big group of Servants and Staff were inside, chatting or going about their business.

I didn’t mind the little tour, it help ease the awkwardness and it was rather nostalgic just as well.

Of course, as a newcomer, I drew a lot of attention. I could vaguely remember it being the same back home, a new Servant was inspected and evaluated by the others. However, there was one Servant among the bunch in particular that glared intensely at me as soon as I appeared.

She sat among among a group of other Servants I could identify. They were, of course, Knights and such from Camelot. Mordred being a particular noteworthy inclusion there.

But this glare was intense enough that everyone seemed to notice it and hushed, even Ritsuka looked…concerned?

“Um….Alter, is something wrong?” Ritsuka questioned.

I crossed my arms, looking back at the petite woman glaring at me and I smiled because I knew she recognized me. “I’m not going over there.”

She scowled, her nostrils flared, and she pushed herself up with a huff and stomped towards me.

“Father?” Mordred confusedly called out to her.

“It took you long enough.” She was inches away from me, Artoria Alter stood there in her black dress, arms crossed and scowling deeply.

I silently held my arms open as an invitation.

She stomped her foot. “As infuriating as always.” She scoffed, but her cheeks turned a slightly red tinge, she eventually threw her arms around me for a hug. “…..husband.”




Just a random and short omake idea that popped into my head. Maybe I'll do more, I don't know. The Idea is that it’s way far off into the future after his journey already ended. Think after the epilogue and all that. Saber Alter here is his Saber Alter, if that wasn’t clear.



omar ayoubi

NO please don't make him dead, at least just make him some sort of living servant like Artoria or canon Scáthach.