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Meant to upload this awhile ago and forgot, but it's just an additional scene back on chapter 457 Part 2 involving Achilles meeting his Spirit inheritor.

Regular chapter will be coming out in a bit.


Achilles POV

Been awhile since I’ve been in a battle like this! It reminded me of how chaotic Troy really was even with all the effort it took to siege those stupidly big walls of theirs.

The difference being that the Gods weren’t just sitting high up and acting like puppet masters. Rather, they were down there on the fields, bleeding and fighting with everyone else.

Big Bird’s reinforcements were not being handled too well by these guys. Didn’t seem like they had any air support, but I guess that’s not something to mention. Magic and stuff can make up for that easily and the powerful ones won’t be put down by a few thousand birds – admittedly strong ones among their number – attacking them.

I looked for my own ‘spot’ to set down and help out. Didn’t wanna interfere in anyone elses fight and regardless of how confident I was, I may be a little bit weakened here from burning some of my Spirit Origin.

Should recover enough with some time, and maybe the dick can lend a hand, but I should probably take it a little easy. Sis is gonna shoot my ass with arrows if I push myself too much here.

Found a good spot and I noticed a kid using something really familiar. Something I didn’t expect to see out in this part of the world.

Were those Greek weapons and Armor?

Damn, gotta check that out.

I jumped off my chariot and hit the ground with a big shockwave, immediately my spear shot out and pierced through one of those trolls.

Ugly bastards, it was doing the world a favor to put them down.

I landed a little ways away from the kid I saw,  but it was still close enough that I just had to run. Everything between me and him were swept up in the whirlwind that I kicked up in my wake.

Bodies of Trolls, Undead and other nasty things went flying and shattering on impact.

I stood infront of the kid who froze as I appeared infront of him.

He had a Xiphos in one hand and a shield in another. A familiar shield, it reminded me of the ones my Myrmidons used. In fact, that was exactly what is was, not a relic or recreation, I could tell at a glance.

That thing was the real deal.

Huh, aint that something surprising?

There was blood on his blade, and scratches on his shield. Both fresh, so I wasn’t gonna get mad about him using something like that. If he puts them to proper use, then that’s all the respect that’s needed.

Though, something was missing.

“Where’s your spear, brat?” I looked at me.


“You’re spear!” I turned my own spear sideways and lightly smacked his helmet. “A Myrmidon carriers three weapons, their Spear, their sword, and their shields!”

“H-how did you know that I was a Myrmidon?”

“Heh, aint it obvious?” I chuckled. “The sword is the secondary weapon, your spear is your best friend, it’s your lover, it’s your mother. You take care of her, she may leave you during a battle, but until that time, she’s your most treasured possession. The only time you should lose your spear is when It breaks or it’s in the heart of an enemy worthy of it! Did no one teach you that?”

“No.” He shook his head.

“Jeez, what’s the world coming too?” I sighed. “What’s your name, kid?” I looked to the side and let my spear strike out at a few of those Undead that were running towards us.


I stopped dead in my tracks. “Say that again?”

“My name is Achilles!” He repeated himself.

“…..that’s a lofty name to use, kid.”

“I know.” Hmm, he was a bit self-conscious about it?

“Who gave you that name?”

“It was my Great Grandma, the Goddess Thetis I-I’m the spirit Inheritor of him, and she wanted me to live up to his legend.” He awkwardly stood up straighter.

“Thetis…..the Goddess, she’s still around and kicking?” I know it was a taboo thing to do, but I completely lost focus on the fighting around me.

“Yes.” He nodded. “She was the one who taught me how to use a sword. Grandma…..erm…”

Shit, I don’t know if know if I have good or bad luck anymore…

“If you’re gonna call yourself Achilles, then you need more confidence.” I smacked his shoulder. “Stand up straight, talk properly. Look a man in the eye when you speak to him. And for the God’s sake, pick up a spear! My friends would be rolling in their graves if they knew you were running around without a spear!”

I turned my back to him, evaluating the battlefield around me until I found a suitable target. A big guy, a Giant that was throwing around a bunch of those Norse folks and a Valkyrie or two along with them.

“Achilles was known for two things, his speed and his skill. But I’ll tell you a secret, skill-wise, he’d lose out to a few people. Not to say he wasn’t one of the most skilled warriors to ever live.” If I do say so for myself. “And while his speed was his ace, most people overlooked his accuracy. His spear was known as the Hero-Killer for a reason, kid.”  I reeled back my arm and threw my spear.

It turned into a streak of light, coating in my Magical Energy as it pierced through the chaotic battlefield. Barely missing bodies, soaring under blades, narrowly passing by friendlies until a certain Giant noticed and turned his head in a panic only for his body to jerk backwards and my spear piercing right through his heart and out the back of his body.

I held my hand out and my spear returned to me from where it had landed, before I slammed the base of it into the ground.

That’s why Myrmidons all use spears.”

“…who are you?” He looked at me in amazement.

I gave him a proper Greek greeting as I pat my chest with my fist. “Son of the Hero Peleus and Goddess Thetis, the Great Hero Achilles.”




It will be interesting how the Greek pantheon will demand how 2 of its heroes were fighting in Ragnarok since they may differ a little in appearances but it is assumed that said souls should be in the "Elysian fields"


Achilles taking his Inheritor as an apprentice would be really fun