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Usually, my dreams aren’t this vivid.

Nor am I normally so lucid within my dreams. Evern for a Magus, Dreams are a domain that one does not tread lightly, less they potentially lose themselves.

Stars surrounded me and each step I took sent out ripples amongst the cosmos as if I were moving across the surface of a body of water.

Up head, there sat a single tree, utterly mundane in appearance, but it gave off a very familiar feeling.

It wasn’t until I approached and put a hand upon the trunk that I could guess what this Tree represented.

“What a magnificent creature.”

I turned to the side to see Musū Tengai standing next to me. “Did you pull me into a dream for this?”

It wasn’t the first time my Zanpakutō had done something like this.

“This is neither a Dream, nor is it by my hand.” My Zanpakutō spirit replied. “At this moment, we exist between Dream and Reality, Fantasy and Material.”

I frowned at his admittance and felt myself weary.

“You need not be alarmed, the one who brought us here has no ill intentions.” He replied.

“The spirit is correct.” The shadows around us swirled, forming the outline and shape of an entity I had met not long ago.

“Lady Nyx.” I greeted her with respect and politeness.

She nodded slightly at me greeting, but for some reason, she stared at Musū Tengai for several moments.

Musū Tengai stared back and I was confused about what was happening. It was as if they had met before, or Nyx found something interesting?

It was hard to tell, Nyx was utterly unreadable to me, and Musū Tengai was good at keeping himself constrained in his mannerisms, even if he was a part of me.

Eventually, Nyx turned around and put a hand on the Tree.

The Tree rustled slightly at her touch.

“I never thought I would witness something like this. Imagine my surprise when I have a sibling that half wakes up all of the sudden?” She smiled lightly.

“Did….I do something wrong?” I hesitantly asked because I was worried that this drew the attention of another Primordial.

“Wrong?” She tilted her head. “Your view of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ is so narrow that I have a hard time understanding it. It’s simply a matter of what has happened, and what will happen as a result.”

“And the consequences, do you foresee anything overly detrimental for the residents here?” I still kept my tone utterly respectful as I evenly asked my question since it appeared she was in the mood to talk.

“You have the taste of Pangu’s remnant will on you.” She suddenly stated.

“The Heavenly Dao?” I furrowed my brow. “I visited the Heavenly Realm recently.” I nodded.

“Mmm.” She smiled as she continued to gently place her hand on the trunk of the tree. “It’s similar, but different. Considering what you did to achieve this, you should already know that much. If I had to speak to your understanding, perhaps this one leans slightly more towards my own standing. It will never be able to descend like I do as that goes against its fundamental existence, but what you did instilled the basic concept of life into its being beyond instinctual inclinations. If you want to know the consequences, I simply do not know. This is a new situation for me and I look forward to seeing what happens. It is exciting in a way.” She sounded happy.

“At the very least, should I expect nothing detrimental to happen in the short term?” I tried to parse her thoughts.

“For your mortal existences, and the Gods that dwell upon its Branches, you can expect no hostility from my Sibling unless you bring it about yourselves. My existence here can attest to this fact. If not for what happened, my Sibling’s Branches would have never allowed me to appear within this Domain.”

“You couldn’t appear beforehand? Does that also apply to other….erm, beings such as yourself? Are you all constrained in such a way and should we worried that someone else may come by to….pay a visit?”

She turned to look at me with an amused look on her face. “Constrained? I suppose that is not an incorrect way to view it from your perspective.” She hummed noncommittedly. “I asked nicely, and I was allowed to come visit. Previously, my Sibling was not able to accept such inclinations beforehand. However, there is another matter that allowed me to cross over without problems arising.”

“What’s that?”

She raised her hand, point a finger up above us.

My eyes fell onto the Sun in the distance.

“Oh….” Right, I used Hyperion to create their sun, I suppose in a way that gives her a tiny foothold she could theoretically exploit?

“Don’t overthink things, it will only cause you unnecessary worry about things you can’t control.” She stated as if it weren’t important whatsoever. “Lines remained distinct for a reason until recent times.”

“Was I wrong then? Is it bad for other factions to get involved in situations like these?”

“Right, wrong, you mortals are too concerned about these things. As a living creature, you have the right to dictate what is right, and what is wrong. Only the cause and effect are of noting. I’m not going to tell you what you should or should not do, simply a warning to allow you a moment of thought before you take action. What you do is up to you.”

“Thank you for your wisdom.” I bowed my head slightly.

She looked up to the sky with that little smile of hers. “As the Night, I cannot understand nor care about such small things like preventing the Cycle of this corner of existence. The lines becoming blurred as time passes, however causing me a small amount of concern as I believe it is intentional on a larger scale. Just as I do not believe the existence of Sacred Gears should propagate unabated along the world’s souls, I too think that lines should remain to a degree.”

“I understand.” It was a small warning.

“However, as the only one of my Siblings that has spent many moments among Mortals and have developed a certain amount of understanding towards those who sleep beneath my embrace….peaceful nights are among my favorite.”

Was she….telling me she thinks I did a good job?

I have a hard time understanding beings of her nature and it’s just going to keep throwing me for a loop the longer I consider it.

“But this is not the reason I appeared. I find myself more talkative than usual this night, perhaps because of the excitement.” She turned back to look at me and all but told me that she was only speaking so much because she was amused by my actions. I could take the hint to not expect her to be doing a Q&A again. “I told you that if you found the one who obscured those who slipped beneath my notice, I would reward you.”

“I apologize, I –“

She put a hand up. “It was a whim, I did not expect much. Being able to defeat the Titan King was already a feat worth praising for one so young. The reason I am here is because you came into possession of something that I believe holds the clue. The Box of the ones beneath my night.”

“Pandora’s Box.”

“Yes, the trinket of that child.” She nodded. “It holds a wisp of something I cannot place.” She showed more expression in this moment than I have ever seen thus far. Perhaps, annoyance? “The feeling is of something I encountered before I descended, and my memories from that period are lacking in detail. However, it is malevolent and destructive. This is my warning to you, child from beyond the stars. It is Dangerous.”

“Thank you for your warning.” I once more thanked her politely.

She chuckled lightly. “One last piece of advice, consider it a reward for amusing me. You should consider how you will approach Hades. He has since learned what you have done with the Two Titans, and he is not happy.” She reached over before I could respond and put a finger on my forehead. “The Devil and the Holy Sword Wielder are waiting at your side, Wake Up.”




“See I told you that it would work.” I recognized Venelana’s voice, and the owner of the legs that my face was firmly pressed between.

“I do not know what I expected.” I heard Artoria sigh.

I forced myself to roll over despite every part of me wanting to remain in this position for the rest of my life. “Good morning.”

Venelana reached down and pinched my cheek. “It’s afternoon.”

“…how long?”

“A little over a day.” Artoria informed me. “We arrived late last night once everything settled down.”

“Who else is here?”

“Scáthach and Izanami have arrived. We have been switching off every few hours.” Venelana replied. “But we’ve been keeping in touch with everyone to make sure they know you’re fine.”

“How upset are they?” I hesitantly asked.

Venelana pinched my cheek again. “Don’t mistake worry for anger.” Despite her chastising me, her tone was very gentle. “It’s a natural response to worry about someone we care about greatly in a situation where they were in danger and suffered harm.”

Artoria flattened her skirt and slid onto the bed next to us. “I have sent many of my Knights and Friends into battle with no guarantee of survival. I am no stranger to danger and the weight of responsibility. That does not mean I am without concern and worry myself. I know I am strict with you on certain matters, but I will never be angry at you for putting yourself in harms way for a righteous cause. I am very proud of you, Wilhelm.” She smiled beautifully and it made the aches I felt and the pain I suffered somehow seem worth it.

“The important thing right now is how you’re doing.” Venelana ran a hand through my hair.

“Everything aches.”

Artoria nodded. “Avalon can heal injuries, but it is not omnipotent. You will feel sore at the very least, but there should be no lingering damage to yourself. But the damage was extensive, I was required to arrive to renew its supply of Magical Energy.”

“Yeah, it was basically empty by the end of the fight.” I sighed.

Artoria just nodded in understanding. “Jinn informed us of the finer details. You did well to protect her.”

“Even if she got hurt?”

“It’s a matter of inevitability that she was going to get hurt at some point. Life is not so nice to allow her to remain unharmed forever.” Venelana added.

“She is whole and happy, there is not much more I could as for.” Artoria stated. “She has been very smug about her new status.”

“Is she abusing being a Goddess?”

“Without a doubt.” Venelana nodded. “Many demands for hugs, and lots of spoiling of her.”

That’s my Jinn.

They hadn’t asked me about the heavier stuff, which is nice, I wasn’t really in the right mindset to have an in-depth discussion on the details of what happened. And frankly, I was flying by the seat of my pants most of the time back there.

“Well, I suppose the King of Asgard should go greet his subjects.” I forced myself up right.

“You’re going to abuse it as well, aren’t you?” Artoria deadpanned.

“There may be a distinct possibility.” I would neither confirm nor deny.

But fuck, I felt sore and stiff getting to my feet.

“Hmm, before you start asserting your royal authority, I had something I wanted to give you, and I would normally wait until you were in a better mindset, but it may be beneficial.” Venelana interjected.

“What –“

She retrieved a clay jar and it infront of me, she uncorked it and I was hit immediately by a whiff of something utterly heavenly.

Even Artoria was unconsciously drooling as soon as she smelled it and her eyes zeroed in like a vulture.

I knew exactly what she was holding.

“I would say it’s a success. I only brought one Jar with me in a hurry, but I figured you wouldn’t need more.”

I hesitantly took it from her and brought it up to my nose and I could just feel my body relax at the mere smell.

I was oh so tempted to throw my hand back and gulp it down, but I want to savor it properly. I put my lips to the jar – bad etiquette, but I was already being very reserved by not chugging it.

Not even a mouthful passed my lips before I pulled back and allowed it to fill me with a warm sensation.

It was so flavorful and as soon as it hit my belly, I felt the warm sensation permeate every corner of my body. A significant amount of my aches and residual pains were washed away as the Peach Wine created from both the Peach of Immortality and the water from the River Styx was absorbed.

“That’s probably the most delicious thing I’ve ever drank.” It took even more self-control not to let the intrusive thoughts win and chug it still.

Venelana leaned over and kissed my cheek. “Don’t worry, everyone else already had a taste, so enjoy it as you please. There’s much more on the way later anyways.”

“Thank you.”

“Of course~”


I walked out of the room I had apparently been put up in after I passed out. Artoria and Venelana at my side as they made sure I wasn’t going to push myself after getting back up on my feet so soon.

I could hear the celebration that was happening not far away. The hallway I walked down opened up to a large hall with plenty of tables all lined up and lots of noise filling the room.

Maybe calling it a room was an exaggeration, because it was lacking half its walls and its roof.

Even the World Serpent was chilling nearby with Hel happily chatting with it and Thorum next to her.

The kids seemed to be joining in as well and the ones I brought were intermingling.

Even Ratatoskr was joining in and having fun.

Overall, everyone was accounted for and despite what happened, there was an air of peacefulness.

Though, everyone seemed to go quiet once I entered.

All except one person, a blue blur flew across the room and landed right into my arm.

“Will~” Jinn squealed happily.

“Is everyone treating you well?” I noticed Scáthach and Izzy a little back and they were giving me smiles so I knew that nothing bad happened.

“Everyone is so nice and look what I got!” She swung around a mug of obviously mead and nearly fell over herself if I wasn’t there to catch her.

I looked down at her and raised an eyebrow. “Alright, who gave Jinn Alcohol?”


“It was Odin!”

“Oh you bitch!” He shouted at who I believe was Freyja who sold him out immediately.

“My first decree as king of Asgard, Odin’s only allowed to drink Apple Juice for now on.”

“Rebellion!” The All-Father jumped up on the table and roared in defiance.

“Come at me, old man.” I made the gesture his way. And to my surprise, he lept off the table at me. I of course did the only recourse available to me and suplexed the old man.

“K.O!” Freyja stoop up and for some reason, the majority of the hall began to cheer at the All-Father’s head pushed firmly into the flooring.

The Celebration seemed to continue like nothing happened.

I guess fights were a pretty common thing among the Norse Pantheon.

Izzy and Scáthach finally approached me and I was about to explain myself, but rather, they both showed a surprising amount of public affection from their ends and hugged me together.

“Hugs are nice.” Jinn joined in.

“You are cut off.” Scáthach scolded the new Goddess, lightly chastising her.

Speaking of, I wonder how many barrels of Asgardian Mead I can steal before anyone notices?

“Should we let her indulge in this instance? I believe a reward should be administered considering.” Izzy spoke up.

“Hmm, it is a consideration.” Scáthach seemed to acknowledge.

“A reward?” Jinn perked up. “Hrm…”

“Is something wrong?” I poked my adorable Genie.

“I want a reward….but I want to be punished too.” She said with full sincerity. “Did I do good though?”

“You did amazing.” I hugged her tightly. Just as Artoria said with me… “I’m so proud of you.”

She looked up at me, smiling brightly. “And my lamp didn’t even come loose!” She said very proudly and threw her arms up. “Praise me for fighting with my lamp still in my butt!”

….Drunk Jinn is drunk.

Or maybe this is something Jinn would do even without drinking.

“Ayo?” Odin’s tone sort of caused the celebration to come to a screeching halt, and I may or may not have spaced out, forgetting that we were surrounded by a bunch of people.

I guess that cat is out of its bag.

Frankly, I wasn’t sure how to respond to the many – many eyes staring at us.

“Unacceptable!” Freyja slammed his fist on the table. “I refuse to be out done, someone go grab me something big for me to put up my ass!”

“There’s the Thot everyone knows!” Odin cackled. “I’ll volunteer as tribute.”

“I said something big, you old crockety pervert!”

And like that, another fight started.

I just rubbed Jinn’s head and she didn’t care in the slightest about the awkward situation she caused.

Eventually, I pulled up my own chair, sitting down at the sort of…head of the table that was empty. I was pretty sure it was reserved for me considering my current status.

A mug of mead hit the table not far away and people seemed to quiet down. “Our King has words.” Vidar spoke and everyone listened.

The funny thing is, I felt he was truly sincere when addressing me as King.

Once attention was back on me and the mood got serious, I started. “I think it’s best we settle all the important bits and get them out of the way, then go back to celebrating.”

“Aye!” A round of agreements shook the table.

“I couldn’t reward everyone, and I hope that Asgard will do them right.” I don’t think it was a secret that I wasn’t going to remain the King for long.

“For those who fought for Asgard, they will be properly reward.” Odin’s tone was much different than a moment prior, his voice full of authority and sternness.

“It would look bad upon us to let our comrade’s assistance go without reward.” Thor nodded too.

“I have kept track of merits for this war.” Heimdall added. “Once we have stabilized, we can meet our rewards properly.”

“Good.” They would not go back on their words, nor did it feel like I needed to remind them, but it was something that had to be spoken openly for everyone to hear.

“I have a concern.” Thor raised his hand, and it was kind of funny seeing one of the Strongest Gods in the world act like a school boy.

He got up from his seat and walked over to Jormungandr, which wasn’t hard because the snake was massive. “How are we supposed to handle out inevitable battle? The fates dictated that the Mighty World Serpent and I will do battle and I will be swallowed whole.”

“What are you saying?” Hel narrowed her eyes.

“Peace, Lady Hel. I mean it in no disrespectful way.” He looked at the World Serpent. “He has fought to protect Asgard, regardless of his reasons. I will not raise my hammer to dishonor myself out of paranoia.”

“It’s a touchy subject, but he has a point.” Odin stroked his beard.

“You’re not touching him.” Hel voiced her protectiveness outright.

“Keep your panties on, we’re not gonna hurt your oversized noodle.” Odin rolled his eyes then turned to me. “What’s your thought, brat?”

“Well –“

The Massive Serpent slammed his mouth down ontop of where Thor was standing, then quickly threw its head back and swallowed.

It became quiet enough that you could hear a pen drop as everyone just stared dumbfounded at Thor being eaten infront of us.

“I am victorious. Huzzah.” The World Serpent spoke with the most deadpan voice I’ve ever heard, then with a bulge, its body jerked, and he spat Thor back out onto the ground.

Thor sat in a pile of saliva, unmoving.

“….Grandfather….does…that count?” Magni looked towards Odin.

“Fuck if I know. I got no idea what’s going on since awhile ago.” Odin outright admitted.

“I am willing to accept my defeat. Can we please never speak of this again?” Thor asked.

“Agreed.” Odin accepted.

Let’s just roll with it. “Alright, from what I understand, you just want peace and quiet, Jormungandr?”

Getting another look at him, I could see what happened after he was ripped apart by Surtr. He was distinctly half as big as he was previously.

I imagine that he could regrow to his previous size?

He was still gigantic, however.

The Big Serpent looked my way and nodded. “I wouldn’t have helped Father if I wasn’t forced to.”

“Alright, as the King of Asgard, I decree, you are a friend of Asgard, and any attack on you is an attack of Asgard. You’re free to come and go as you please. If you do end up in conflict with anyone here, I hope that you can come and settle it peacefully with whoever is sitting on the Throne at the time.”

The Big Snake seemed very pleased with that arrangement.

And Hel also looked happy for her brother.

Thorum looked like he wanted to thank me in private as well.

Honestly, I didn’t really have any other big issues I had to cover. But regardless I slammed my hand on my chair. “Now it’s time to talk about the new rules that I’m going to implement. Miniskirts!

“I’ll follow you to the ends of the Earth, your Majesty!” Odin shouted.



Scáthach was quick to start tugging on my cheek. “Are you sure you did not misspeak, student.”

“Kick his ass!” Freyja called out, and dozens of other feminine voices followed suit.

“I never said it was only women.” I pointed out.

They went silent until Odin slapped the table again. “Fuck it, my legs are beautiful, miniskirts!”



This place was fun.

“Alright, alright.” I held my hands up. “On to the serious matter. It’s time to hand the Throne over.”

“You’re a good man.” Vidar nodded in approval. “If you desired to continue sitting there, no one would speak out against it. You and your comrades have proven yourselves honorable folk and friends of Asgard for all time.”

I smiled at the compliment. “Which is why I’m handing the throne over to the one who will handle it properly.” I waited a beat, mostly because he had yet to arrive. But a small zap of lightning shot through the air, followed by a little gust of wind as two adorable rabbits landed on my lap.

I held up Sir Wiggles. “Behold, Sir Wigglesbottom Fluffytail Octavius Benedict III, Crown Prince of the Emerald Kingdom, Duke of Carrot Island, General of the northern Armies, Lightning born, The Devil Slayer. Head of Chaldean department of Phantasmal Beasts. And the newly ascended to the throne, King of France. And now, the King of Asgard.”

I quickly vacated the seat, and let Sir Wiggles take front and center as I put a tiny little crown, I had prepared long ago ontop of his head.

And of course, everyone was stunned to silence by his majesty.

“You know what? I don’t even care anymore. If he wants his Rabbit to be king, then have at it. To our new King!” Odin raised a mug up into the air, and everyone else quickly followed.

This place quickly grew on me.

“And that’s enough for me today.” Freyja declared, standing up from her spot. She walked over, and grabbed Ratatoskr by the tail. “You’re coming with me.”

“Mommy?” The Squirrel looked panicked as Freyja lifted it over her head.

“You can call me mommy.” She grinned.

Ratatoskr looked my way and I gave him a thumbs up and a silent prayer.

He was going to need it.




The celebration continued for awhile, but I noticed Odin sneak away and followed after him.

He was sitting on a balcony, or what was left of it, as he oversaw what remained of Asgard.

“It’s going to take awhile to rebuild.” I commented.

“That it is.” Odin agreed. “But we can only rebuild because we remain standing. Thanks to you and your lot. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, truly, thank you.”

I put a hand on his shoulder silently, and sat down next to him. “How are you doing?”

“I’ll heal eventually.” Odin grumbled. “That lass of yours….we owe her a great debt.”


“No, but her as well.” Odin smiled peacefully. “Everyone saw what that girl of yours did. Standing up to Surtr allowed us the time to push forward with making Thor King. Even if she wasn’t now a Goddess of ours by name, she would forever be under our protection. Don’t take it lightly the degree of protectiveness that my kin will provide for her. If they hear she has been wronged, Asgard will go to war.”

“You won’t need to. If anyone dares to hurt her, I would have destroyed them before you could make a move.”

Odin let out a snort of laughter. “But I was talking about that other girl of yours. She went around healing quite a few of us while you were out of it.”

“Artoria.” I nodded. “She would do that.”

“Speaking of when I was out, what happened?” I looked up to the sky and the God’s Investiture List was noticeably gone.

“At first, we reorganized as best as we could in case our enemies that remained wanted to take the opportunity to attack while we were weakened, but what you did scared them off enough that we didn’t suffer an attack. After about a day, we decided to slowly loosen our guards and with how weary and tiered everyone was, we decided to throw the party you walked into.” He briefly explained.

“And the List?”

Odin pursed his lips. “I honestly still find it hard to believe what happened and the bullshit you pulled off. But that List, and I am well aware of its origins, no longer exists. It began to crumble yesterday, and the World Tree swept it up and….ate it?”

Hmm, it probably wanted to use the remnants as a basis for how to proceed forward. A tiny wisp of the Heavenly Dao must have been inside of it, enough for Yggdrasil to sort of….learn? To understand how to act as the Will of the Nine Realms.

Atleast that’s my initial thought.

“Nyx paid me a visit, basically told me I made a lot of noise, but nothing overly concerning.”

“I am way too fucking tired to acknowledge half of that to the degree it deserves.” Odin let out a sigh. “The Skele boy is going to be pissed.”

“Nyx said he was.” I let out my own sigh. “Speaking of our Titan friends…”

“They’re behaving.” Odin went straight to the point. “Hyperion is pulling the sun properly. And Kronos…..he’s up and about, but doing his job. You wanna go see him?”

I considered it, I really did. “It’s best to leave things how they ended.”

I felt like it would be insulting if I went there. Like rubbing salt in the wound. Atleast, I would give it time if I ever did want to go visit for whatever reason.

“And our Old Elf?”

“He’s not one for celebrations like this. Nor was I going to force him to remain in Asgard’s court. He’s fit to be a God, but he’s better left to roam the Nine Realms at his leisure and do what he wants.”

“I hope he’s not pissed at me.”

“Bah, let that old Elf throw a tantrum, there’s no one who wants to willingly die and he didn’t have much longer left as a Mortal anyways.” Odin snorted before his expression changed to one of quiet contemplation.

“Have you seen Baldur?”

Odin shook his head. “I refused to see him after he left to fullfill his new duty. One-Thousand Years. Then, I will welcome him back home myself.”

“Sorry for not being able to do more.”

He bopped me over the head with Gungnir, or rather its walking stick form. “It was already a light sentence, and everyone knows it. He acted not out of maliciousness, but from a dark place that I should have helped him out of long ago. As for the others….they will get their punishments. Some will return, some will not. We simply have to keep moving forward now that the path is no longer dark.”

“And you should be more concerned about yourself.” He continued. “It’s already spread out what happened. No way in Hel that we’re going to be able to keep a lid on everything that happened, especially with the brats that came along.”

I let out a groan. “Yeah, it is what it is. But I have a solution.

“Oh? What’s that?”

I took out the jar of the Peach wine. “If I drink enough, the problem will go away.”

“I don’t think it works that way, but I’m more than happy to try along with you.” He perked up. “You better be sharing a cup if you’re holding that infront of my face or we’re going ot be throwing hands.”

I rolled my eyes and found two glasses inside my storage to pour into.

“Mmm, just from the smell I can tell that’s good stuff. Be careful about giving this to mortals, or do it in very small amounts.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m not an idiot.” I was about to drink my glass, but Odin stopped me.

I was going to question what he was doing, but he transformed his stick into its spear form and pricked his finger on it, letting drops of his blood fall into his cup as he met my gaze.

“Are you serious?” I was surprised in all honesty.

He nodded without a hint of a joking overturn to his mannerisms.

I took out my own blade and pricked my finger, letting my own blood drip into my cup.

Without a word, we exchanged them and downed them in one go.

I suppose there were worse things than becoming a blood brother to Odin.

“You’re not going to leave your rabbit as King, are you?” Odin finally asked.

“Nah, let him do it for a day or so.” I said nonchalantly. “But I want a portrait of him to hang up alongside the others somewhere where people can see it.”

“Thousands of years from now, people are going to be really damn confused when they learn one of Asgard’s previous Kings was a literal Rabbit.”

“That makes it even funnier.” I grinned.

Odin just laughed along as well.

I could worry about the heavy stuff later, I just needed some time to relax after everything that happened.



Alright, that marks the end of our Yggdrasil arc basically, might be a couple scenes later, but he’s going home. Also, PHO chapter is next, I know a lot of you are looking forward to that.













Peter K

Formatting is slightly weird. Great chapter, though! All hail King Wiggles!


Yeah, people have been reporting that. I heard that it's the App? Try using another browser because it's working fine in my Chrome.


Great chapter as always, looking forward to the chatroom interlued after this.


Hail! King Wiggles of Asgard!

Echan Clinch Apa-ap

All hail king wiggles!!! All hail!!! Good chapter!


Epic after party 🥳 A bit concerned over Loki not being dead or divine anymore as that opens up options for his recruitment by Devils later. Also REALLY looking forward to the PHO chapter 😄


Thanks for the chapter


You’re right, I AM looking forward to the PHO chapter. This was a nice chap to wrap it up, drunk jinn is hilarious. Any chance we get a Through the Looking Glass part 3?

Michael Foat

later on down the road Random visitor: Why's there a rabbit portrait on the wall? Odin: Yeah, that was a wild week


Good chapter and great Arc! I'm looking forward to the Greeks trying to take Kronos' Harpe from him.


For what stand PHO

Pure Dingo

That was great, it was slow to show that it was winding down, but I can't wait to see the fallout with the other factions. Hades will pissed but I can see him ranting but letting it go since it means a job that he no longer has to do. I want to see the kids' thoughts on what happened and how shocked they were at the end. looking forward to seeing the world's shock. I agree with thevolunteer we need Through the Looking Glass part 3. Also, you made a mistake here - “Unacceptable!” Freyja slammed his fist on the table. “I refuse to be out done, someone go grab me something big for me to put up my ass!” you called Freyja, a him.


All hail his majesty, king wiggles.


HAIL KING WIGGLES OF ASGARD, LONG MAY HE REIGN (instead of just a day)!!!!


Well he would at most have lesser magical powers, and skill in weapons, he is starting from square one. He absolutely could grow more powerful in time, but as a God, he is probably pretty stagnant and would find growth more challenging.

matt smith

For the women miniskirts! For the men minikilts!


Until a thousand years later moron decides to fuck around unsealing him and everyone else gets to find out. Sort of like Kronos really.


Great chapter! Excited for the PHO chapter too! 🥹🤞

Big Brizzz

Damn the devils are going to be pissed at Sirzechs for letting Wilhelm go I can't wait to see his reaction to how strong he is now

Big Brizzz

Sarah going to kill him

Lyca Boss

Bro, I love the story so much, been such a journey. Hope he goes back to Campione soon to get some new divinities like Lucifer or Hermes or something to that effect 👍


Hella! That was actually a really good ending for that arc, and I’m happy that things mostly worked out. Calming Hades is… going to be problematic but also… the escapee problem has been dealt with, an ally saved, and things are still on track to drag Yahweh back to life. As for where to go next? I think he should bring everyone to meet Pandora, or at least do that soon. I don’t really care about Campione as a setting, but I feel like Pandora needs more hugs


That was a pretty satisfying ending, and I am psyched it is finally time for a PHO chapter! They are my favorite.


I would like an interlude of our lord and savior King Sir Wiggles.

jose torres

Cheers oh hell King of Asgard Sir wiggles long may he reign 🤣

James French

Fantastic chapter man, this arc has been an absolute joy to read! Also Happy holidays!

Buck Futter

Can't wait for more PHO!

Suika Nine

Imagine Issei's kids from the ExE timeline come and visit ANK Asgard and they see the splendor and majesty that is Sir Wigglesbottom Fluffytail Octavius Benedict III, Crown Prince of the Emerald Kingdom, Duke of Carrot Island, General of the northern Armies, Lightning born, The Devil Slayer. Head of Chaldean department of Phantasmal Beasts. King of France and Asgard.


Joyous. And yes PHO is good.

WhiteMage Goose

I KNEW IT! I knew Wilhelm would take advantage of the chance to give Sir Wiggles another title!


Back to trolling wizards now? Vacations are deserved

Pure Dingo

The only problem I can see about giving her the box is what if she opens it again.

Dericof D

I want to see an illustration of Wilhelm crowning Sir Wiggles in the halls of Asgard. Can a AI generator do it?