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Let's hang out and chat together again! See how everybody is doing. :) I'll be on YouTube or hangouts. You can make your preference known if you have one.

I hope you can make it. Please let me know when!


eric ortiz

I’d prefer YouTube. Not that hangouts is bad. It’s nice to see all of you that join. But if I am unable to immediately join due to prior commitments, I can still tune in the watch what happened during the stream.


You Tube here too. Lol the time difference. I can never figure it out. Haha. 😘❤


Hi Chris :) I understand, I have a hard time too. Especially when dates also differ. I don't know which time zone you're in. But I'll try and give you a tool. https://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/ So if you're in New York, for instance, the stream at 8:30 in the evening with me, will be at 2:30 pm in your place. You can just add any city near you and see when it will be. ;) Hope this helps!