New Benefit! & Tips For (Possible) New Patrons (Patreon)
First IMPORTANT tip: you may want to start or upgrade your pledge up to about the 20th of each month. Because you pay per month, Patreon doesn't deduct money for the days that have already passed. If you did this later, don't feel bad to ask me for a refund and join in the new month. I understand!
To all new patrons or patrons upgrading your tier: you get a new perk!😎
A personal private welcome video from me to you. Please check your email or possibly your spam box after a while after your pledge for a message sent from me through Bonjoro. And see what I'm sending you. 😍
Also, please let me know if you'd like to be thanked in videos and with which name. Plus tell me about your main triggers so I can focus on keeping my patrons happy!
And if you delete your pledge do this at the end of the month and remember you can still follow me on Patreon for free! So you'll still be in the loop when I'm going live. Know you're always welcome to return.
And if you delete at the beginning of the month, you're still my patron with benefits for this month, so enjoy!