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Who's this?? I've been to the hairdresser and she's straightened my hair! Secret preview just for my patrons. 😍😎
I'll go live Monday afternoon (Amsterdam time). I'm thinking maybe a doppler heart video?
Hope you see you there!



Mark Lynn

Monday?! I know it's bank holiday but four days waiting missing you and see your beautiful new look 😲🥺♥️

Mark Lynn

For a second seeing thumbnail I'm seeing the school teacher I was smitten with

Mark Lynn

🥺🥺🥺🥺😢 Beautiful as many times

Mark Lynn

Dyed it a bit brown?


Thanks sweetheart. Yeah, warm dark brown. Well spotted! Have a great weekend.

Mark Lynn

Might still miss you terribly 🥺😢♥️

Mark Lynn

Using the Doppler? Thought it was noisy than stethoscope when you used it before but might worth another try

Mark Lynn

"Secretly Victoria ASMR" YouTube did Doppler heartbeat sounded like blood swishing through her heart I did ask her if she's subscribed to ASMRtists you met her?

Mark Lynn

That day has come! What time expected?

Mark Lynn

AND outstanding as I thought and HOW INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL YOU LOOKED 😲❤️❤️🥺😢😘❤️❤️❤️💐

Mark Lynn

Doppler gave lot of static moving it much