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Tl;dr I still have nothing to show so here’s just me in my new techwear getup I guess

I‘m back from my vacation plus a week of quarantine and boy what a vacation it was. Our whole family got a bad case of flu and sore throat (I still have bouts of it til now) which coulda been covid although we tested negative in 4 different occasions. My ski resort got closed for a day because the road was blocked trapping me in the mountain and then the bus home was cancelled even though the road was already open, causing me to literally hitchhike on a stranger’s car. (A neighboring ski resort was literally blocked with no electricity for the whole weekend). Then the roof of our house was leaking because all the weight of the snow wrecked it so I had to I go alone to that other resort with Uber (wasn’t cheap) but got dropped in the wrong place which caused me to literally hitchhike the second time. Apparently the lack of shuttles was due to covid shortage of workers or something.

But man was it worth it, as I haven’t walked out of my home other than for food and groceries for literally 2 years. I am also thankful for all the strangers I met especially the ones I hitchhiked on for being incredibly nice (I guess it's true that everyone's a friend in a ski slope) although I won't say no if they ask to have a feel of my smooth shiny nylon skisuit 😏....speaking of which, I got about 20 compliments on it and my winter techwear getup which is always encouraging to my fashion sense and I also made a couple new gear friends in the area so I'll have people to hang out with next time I come around.

You may notice I stopped checking my Discord and emails because I got sick of catching up and just consuming people’s work which may explain the kind of burnout I had (although being constantly around my family with something to do might also be a factor). The whole week of quarantine even flew by without me doing anything, although there's getting Master in Unite and ACNH HHP to thank for that.

But now that I’m back in front of my work laptop, I am slumped with having to OCD catching up with everything I’ve missed and having to organize all the photos and pics from the travel, not to mention some irl stuffs and I can feel the flu coming back from all this sudden stress (and jetlag). Which probably beats the purpose of the vacation in the first place?

That being said, I’ll try to make it my priority to get some kind of update within this 3 days before the month ends, I have a couple of things that’s ready to finish in the WIPs as well as some topical new ideas so we’ll see which one works out.

Anyways, I’m just writing this wall of text to lift some burden off my mind and trying to organize my brain back into the routine again, I don’t expect anyone to read the whole thing but thanks if you did. I’ll get some rest now so my flu doesn’t come back as some kind of new undetectable covid variant or whatever.



SlashweilerDog (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-17 08:01:24 oh how the writing down helps haha <333 trippy vacation, but it seems u still had fun either way
2022-01-29 09:32:24 oh how the writing down helps haha <333 trippy vacation, but it seems u still had fun either way

oh how the writing down helps haha <333 trippy vacation, but it seems u still had fun either way