May Raffle Thread! (Patreon)
And with that, the raffle thread is finally open again! ANY Patron can submit here just ONE character, character design or situation. $10++ Patrons can submit TWO characters.
This time you may have noticed that there's a poll. I have decided integrate the requests from the $50 Request Queue here to make sure that I at least finish one each month.
You still can request your own in the comments or pick from one of the WIPs from the $5 folder, but this means I will only be taking 2 from the comments.
I understand that this means one less chance to be chosen as the free request, but I decided that I had to do this as I realized I have been putting too much effort on the free raffle that I have abandoned requests from $50 Patrons who actually paid money to get there, and it's simply just unfair. One of the request there has literally been there for 3 years!
I am still struggling to balance between the free raffle, paid request queue and my own ideas, but I'd like to try this option for now. I hope you can understand!