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Hey gang, first off, thank you so much for funding my side hustle!! You make it happen.

That being said, if EVENTUALLY I started posting my works in progress to social media (as promotional material for new pages coming out) would that make you LESS interested in funding my projects?

Feel free to dm me privately if you’d like.

You all will see page 4 in a few days, this next Tuesday. In a few months I’ll post page 4 on the socials for everyone else to see. That week leading up to posting to the socials, I’d like to give the folks a taste of what’s to come. Rev them up. Or something like that. Now you’ve already seen the WIPs for page 4 a few weeks ago. But does it lessen it for you if the WIPs are not completely exclusive, just time-sensitive exclusive?

That being said, now that Star Wars Celebration is over, would anyone object to my posting the Star Wars Celebration picture I made to the socials?

For real, you’re opinion matters, you’re a part of this!



Time gate! Is that the term? Thank you, that’s so much easier to say. Would y’all be ok if I time gate the WIPs??


Time gate the WIPs, and y’all okay with a Time Gate on the SWC?