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Sorry it's taken so long to post

With the problems from the other day what I originally had set up for the post the other day wouldn't work. So I then went back and found these pics that I was going to post last night.
Instead of posting these...I was trying to teach myself makeup... It did not end well

When I have got my makeup to a level of not being shit I will start femboy OF with thirsty content. No nudity, just a similar thing to what's going on here just a little hotter because the outfits are different 🤭

Also I need help to get in contact with 1 of you guys. When I made the post about the incident the other day there was 2 people that backed me up in the replies. Because the original commenter has taken down their comment I can't see the replies. I have been able to contact one of the people that backed me up but to the other person that I haven't messaged yet please message me




You look amazing as always!


Looking good, recently resubbed when I saw your Spider-Man pic on insta! Will sub to any new sites too! Keep it up :D