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So I have found out that a number of you spiteful, deciptful and straight up disgusting people have been sharing my pictures outside of here. I have a lot that I would love to say to all of you but I think you can get an idea of what I'd like to say by just the tone of this message

I'm disappointed. I thought our community was better than this. The Patreon was made because I thought I had a community that I could trust. I know it isn't all of you but a select few have ruined it. I trusted you and you have let me down

All of this couldn't have come at a worse time. I have very recently finished college and was going to be relying on this as my full time job but now I'm scared to carry on. I was getting ready to do my most exciting content yet for you and now I'm going to hold it off if I ever do decide to share it.

I'm working on getting everything removed and will take legal action where I can. More posts will be coming out but you have proven that I will have to wait before I can trust you to do anything more intense

Also, this message doesn't apply to anyone that has not done anything. I just needed to update everyone and share my thoughts/ rant



Josh King

sucks so much that they have done that but sadly that's the risk when you post stuff. Hopefully you don't paint us all in the same light and realise while it may happen theres alot more people that will support you anyway possible


Playing devils advocate here. I’m new. Joined today. If I didn’t see a post about saying how cute you were etc I wouldn’t have known who you were, hence never joining, hence you not making money. I think that’s what the person above meant when saying some leaks can be invaluable. In your screenshots above, it looks like just a thread about admiring you, and not many pictures were shown at all. Maybe just enough to get people interested? Idk. I get your point though too but I just think the people who read those threads is a small base and are pretty much your demographic anyway and who “would” subscribe! It’s not like it would be on billboards on the highway or any form of pubic forum where a friend/neighbor/classmate etc would ever see it haha. Just a group of people talking about “who the next cute guy” is and admiring and debating on where to support. Again just devils advocate here and just saying if I didn’t see a post similar, I would have never joined today and become a customer of yours. Food for thought.


It isn't on a billboard, instead it is on google. Literally all you need to do it search my creator name and those pictures can show up. I appreciate you joining. However it is definitely not the appropriate way people should be promoting it


I know it isn't all of you and a majority of you guys have been great and very supportive about the situation. I appreciate you guys that have done nothing so much