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OK to just get right into the point I'm going to have to take 5 or so days off from drawing :'D

To go into a bit more depth I basically fucked my wrist, like I was just goin crazy and drawing a bunch of different stuff which was actually quite fun but I have clearly overdone it. It's not so painful that I can't draw at all but I don't really want to risk some sort of long-term injury so I'm going to have to relax for a bit. However I will hopefully return with a better strategy for creating the volume of art I would like to put out without creating absolute destruction of everything. So suffice to say, this week I won't be getting to the illustration or doing any sketches BUT I will return shortly, and beyond the missing sketches I still plan to do everything I normally do (i.e. some type of animated thing and the good ol' illustration). I have a lot of ideas too so I'm kind of mad but you know it is what it is >:')

Alright that's about it peace thanks for reading also yall are the best

p.s. i got like halfway through this sketch so here yall go 😎



Bro, don't even WORRY dog. Just chillax for as long as you need.


You know what? I shall take the Char booty! Just take care of yourself, don't overdo yourself. I'm sure we can wait until you're at 100% again, so take all the time you need. In due time, I'm sure dem illustrations are gonna blow me away (in more ways that one)