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Hello there! I have information!!

The news is by and large quite good. First order of business: I now have a website :] You can visit it at https://klaide.art/ and you may want to give it a glance if you haven't yet. My content will all be available there. Mainly, it's a more flexible uploading resource for me in terms of scripting so I can do things in a slightly more convenient way, but I will likely use it for other things in the future. Additionally, there is currently a page for all the work-in-progress content that you can view as long as you are at least in the Super Supporter tier:  https://klaide.art/patreon-WIP/ And lastly regarding the website, after I set some things up it will probably be easier to find specific things by search, so if you would like to go back and find files in their original resolutions and such it'll be a much simpler process. I hope some of those features will be useful for all of you C:

The second thing I want to talk about is this month's Patreon content. I will probably finish the painting within the next couple of days, but I'm putting off the animation until early next month. Essentially this is because I took 6 or 7 additional commissions in order to purchase a new laptop, as my old one was sort of dying. Not much of a surprise since I bought it second-hand over 6 years ago, and it's been through a whole lot since then. At any rate, the new one is overall working out very well, but until I get through the work I took on to be able to afford it, I will have to slow down work on the animation. However, I still plan to do an animation for this month and another in December, it's just that this month's will take a little while to get to. I do have some interesting plans for the next animation now that I have a new computer, so keep an eye out :]

TL;DR: new website @ https://klaide.art/, this month's animation will be ready early next month.

And, last of all, I deeply appreciate all of your support. It has been way more helpful than you probably think, and if things keep progressing as they are you will see a lot more content out of me.

That's everything from me :v Thank you!