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Hey there! Wanted to finish this page before the year ends with all the holidays and birthday shenanigans… I’m sorry but I’m gonna have to post it the next week, but I think you’re all gonna like it! ^^

And of Course HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! This year was a BIG one for me, I finally finished collegue and started learning to use my new free time, taking care more of myself  and my health, THIS YEAR I want to elevate my art and use more of my time drawing and doing content!

And of course a lot of these wouldn’t be possible without all the support and love you guys give me and my drawings, I want to thanks for all the patience, support and interest in what I do, I really hope y’all have a great 2023 and all your wishes come true, let’s do our best’s this new year and remember that we are good enough as long you keep trying.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 🎆 ❤️-. Liong.




I'm extremely happy for you, Liong. I hope this new year is filled with fantastic opportunities and great happiness for you.