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[Rocket awakes by the familiar sounds of the annoying Peter Quill, realizing he is still trapped in this nightmare daycare.]

-Hey, wake up stinky- Peter Quill (Alias Star-Lord) shout to Rocket through a hologram of a screen showing him interact with the camera excited by the view.

And of course, the view was Rocket Raccoon, being suspended in a baby bouncer, sucking a pacifier like a little baby and a rattle in his hand like he played a lot just in a moment shaking it excited and after a while fallen asleep with it.

-Say hi to the guys! - Quill added moving aside to the camera to show a table in the Avenger tower, full of Avengers and other guest superheroes.

-Umm, what? - Rocket said making his pacifier to fall off his mouth.

A torrent of comments and reactions started, when the image of Rocket Raccoon awakening from a nap, dropping his pacifier in the most innocent and baby looking image of him, being projected directly to the big screen of the Avengers tower being watched for the largest group of heroes. 

-Rocket?!- Said Gamora -I never imagine look you like that, guess you were just a small baby at the end- 

Starting to snap out the dream he realized where he was and what the pair of metal junks did to him, but having no time to get angry he realized he was being projected directly to a bunch of other superheroes laughing and making fun of him. 

-Hahahahaha, he is wearing a diaper as babies do! Hahahaha- Drax suddenly shout excited making other heroes laugh as well.

Rocket growled and closing his fist in anger, but looking in a side really embarrassed by having half of the heroes he had worked side to side make fun of him, his worst fear was to be abandon by everyone but he was the center of attention he never wanted more to be alone in that very moment.

-Hahaha, small furball wants to cry? - Added Hulk who was the one laughing harder.

-Ooow Mr. Stark can we make him an auto pacifier for when nobody can pick it up for him? - Spidey said, who was melting with the cuteness of rocket in diapers. 

-Um, I’m more concerned about the part of the diaper, I see he already needs a new one but who’s gonna change him, not me of course- Iron Man added with disgust.

Rocket hear that and blushing he lifted his legs to peek under the suit and see that the diaper he was forced to wear, it was filled with mush and pee, a big feeling of disgust and discomfort started, straighten the back trying to stop the feeling, but all his weight was concentrated in the diaper forcing him to sit in his mess feeling it everywhere no matter how he moved.

-Oh, you don’t have to worry about that Tony, like I said he is in a space daycare and some nurse robots are taking care of that, speaking of which, Rocket seems to be ready of his change, isn’t he?- Quill answered remarking Rocket sitting uncomfortably in his mess.

-You send me here?! I swear I’m goanna, ahhhgh- Rocket aggressively shouted and struggled to make him bunce a lot up to and down, scattering the mess all over his diaper, making him close his snout in big discomfort and embarrassment, trying to lift his body by pulling the sides of the jumper with his arms, but being impossible as the room he was in made his body and strength weaken, making him fall more and more into the loop of bouncing in mess more and more.

Some heroes laugh at the pathetic attempts to escape from that, making Rocket feel humiliated, and with some tears of embarrassing and anger, he doesn’t use to show a vulnerable part of him, but now he was about to cry in front of everyone like a little baby.

Quill, happy that his plan of change Rocket's behavior was starting to succeed, he notified the robot nurses about Rocket’s diaper mess, making Nuts and Grip arrive at the room.

Rocket didn’t know what to do, he was too weak to escape and his pride was full taken after that embarrassing exposure, he wanted to shout or cry but Grip takes his pacifier and inserted in Rockets mouth, making him unable to spit it out, forced to suck it repeatedly like a little baby.

-The baby needs a diaper change quickly, nuts, take the powder and the wipes I’m gonna take him down and take his dirty diaper off in the changing table- Grip said entering to the room taking Rocket down from the Bouncer lifting him up from his armpits with the total facility, making him look even lighter and smaller.

Some laugh started to increase.

Nuts grabbed everything they needed as Grip started to take his diaper off, as Rocket tried to hide behind his pacifier sucking it defeated and his rattle that he didn’t release as he gripped it in anger, shaking it a bit making a clear rattle sound.

Still being projected the whole process to the heroes, quill added a stone to the tomb of embarrassment -Make sure guys take good care of our baby, he loves lots of pampers and attention-

More laughs in the room.

Rocket growled a bit with still the pacifier in his mouth looking directly to Quill trough the hologram.

-Yes sir! Don’t worry your baby is gonna be full of love and cares- Nuts answered excited hugging rocket’s angry head as he was being cleaned by Grip lifting his legs and passing a baby wipes in his butt.

-And Rocket, Daddy doesn’t want you to feel lonely so I send you a couple of friends of yours to make you company, we and the Avengers are gonna be in a long mission here, so were are not gonna be able to get you out of there, but I’m sure you are in good… tweezers- Quill said as Rocket was being patted in a perfect changed diaper – Anyway, those guys are goanna me sending periodic recordings to see your advances, so feel calm that we are gonna keep an eye on you, ok see ya’ bye-bye baby! say by guys!- Quill ended being followed by the rest of the heroes ending the transmission.



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