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  [Nick was following the small fennec pulling his hand as he tried not to fall asleep or stumbled because of the waddle] 

-First, we are gonna get you changed, we don´t want you to get a cold right?- Finnick said as he guides Nick to his new Bedroom.

Nick looked down to the floor all the way with his ears down in embarrassment as being handpicked to a baby room in just and nothing than a diaper, one of the most embarrassing moments he had lived.

-And also because someone is body ashamed and wants more clothes sadly- Finnick continued as he noticed Nick´s embarrassment.

They arrived at the room, is looking pretty similar to the other rooms but with the expectation that this one had a crib short enough so Finnick could reach in a chair and protection high enough so he couldn´t escape from it Nick thought.

Finnick released Nick´s hand and went through a drawer near the crib, he left Nick there standing in just a diaper don´t know how to react or feel so he just sat there uncomfortable looking Finnick searching energetically something inside the drawer.

-Ha! There you where- Finnick shout as he pulled out a white blanket.

He extended the blanket in the floor, and then he kneeled and pat the floor indicating Nick to stay there.

Nick grin in distrust and just sat there in the blanket, making a noise crinkle trying to sit in a way the bulge of his diaper didn´t take that much size but it was impossible, the diaper he was wearing was way too tick and it was difficult to even move in that without making noises.

-That’s a good boy, now the clothes…- Finnick said after watching delightful his friend sat in just a diaper like a baby.

Finnick pulled out more things from the drawer, and Nick tried to watch what was planning Finnick to do to him now that he performed a full diaper change to him, nothing could get more embarrassing from that at that point honestly.

-A-ha! - Finnick pulled out a giant pink sleeper from it with some white mittens and boots and a Bunny beanie hat.

-You are gonna feel really comfy in these Nicky I can’t wait to see how stupid you will look with these ha-has! – Finnick said as he stretches the clothes to match Nick with the view in the clothes.

Nick looked incredulous the clothes -You are insane if you think I’m gonna wear that, I prefer sleeping in just… these- Nick said pulling the waistband of his diaper -Than using baby clothes for you entertainment Finnick- Nick said uncomfortably.

-Oh, Nicky, Clothes or not im entertained don’t worry about that honey, ha-ha, but if there is too much for the big boy I have something more suitable for a crybaby like you-Finnick added as he looked again in the drawer.

He suddenly pulled out green sleeves but long enough to hold the diaper with some buttons down there.

Nick thought that was almost the same thing, a Baby onesie but looking like a regular sleeve.

Finnick noticed Nick didn´t like the new option -Well if you are not sure, probably I can send some pictures to your friends in the ZPD to ask which one could suit you better- Finnick asked as blackmail.

Nick knew Finnick would force him he wanted or not, so he swallow his pride and decided to wear the less embarrassing option -N-no… there´s no need…- Nick muttered annoyed.

-What baby? Don´t mumble Nick I know you can talk perfectly ha-ha- Finnick mocked knowing he got him.

-I want to wear green one…- Nick said with difficulty blushing as hard when he was getting his diaper changed.

-What? Do you want to wear this baby? But whats is the magic word?- Finnick mocked him.

Nick irritated followed his game with the risk of his photos get leaked – Please… I want to wear the Green one please…- 

-Ooow, of course, Nicky you can wear your onesie baby- Finnick approached him with the onesie stretching it so Nick could dress him more easily, -Arms up Baby-

Nick looked down in embarrassment as he lifted his arms so Finnick could dress him, Finick fitted the onesie pretty easy on Nick pulling his arms into the sleeves of the clothes, he pulled down the rest and the head and arms of Nick popped from the clothes making him close his eyes.

Finnick blushed in softness is that the cutest thing had done in that night, -Lay down a moment please Nicky- Finnick said pushing his chest gently to make him fall on his back-

Nick played down slowly as he felt Finnicks hand working in his back, he was pulling the back part of the onesie to the front, so he lifted a bit his back to make it more easily, “I´m not enjoying this I just want this to get over” he thought.

Finnick pushed his legs to the side like he would perform a change and stretched the onesie to reach and clip it over the tick diaper.

With a classic click, the onesie was fitted on Nick and he raised to feel how comfortable he was now wearing a shirt… sort off and covering his diaper, he felt less exposed but sadly the diaper still was there, and it was way too obvious and difficult to forget he was wearing it because it was being held tight between his legs with the onesie.

-Ok, Nicky, you are ready Lay down in the crib as I get you something for sleep- Finnick said picking up the clothes Nick didn´t want to wear.

Nick looked at the crib and climbed it without a word he lay down in a side looking to the wall annoyed.

A Click sounded and as he turned back there was the Bunny plush Finnick get for him and the crib was already locked with a key, he looked up and tried to climb but was way too high and it was also really hard to move in that diaper.

Defeated he came back to lay in the crib looking to the roof and noticing some baby animals hanging above him, like those toys are made for babies to play.

Nick was too tired to think and he just wanted to rest, he looked to his bulge crossing his legs feeling the diaper, a nerve runs into his spine, and then he grabbed the bulge with his paw, it was such a weird feeling wearing those, not a bad feeling he thought, but a really embarrassing one.

He stands up and tried to look his back, and then he opened his legs to feel the waistband around his legs, he kinda liked how it looked in his legs.

He lay down in his chest and lifted his legs making a crinkle noise as he pushed his diaper butt, he was experimenting with the feeling as he forgets where he was and the situation he was into.

He lifted his legs like a toddler and played with his foot, the diaper crinkling between his legs was a great feeling, made him feel really excited in embarrassment.

Tired he took his plushie and started to suck he thumb thinking how dumb he should look, but that doesn´t matter because he was kind of enjoying the imagines himself being cared like a baby by his partner Judy and the other guys in the police department, that rush of imagination made him tired and started to slowly fall sleep.

Still sucking his thumb and hugging his plushie there Nick fell asleep like a 2 years old baby, being watched by Finnick in the door, that he never left passed he always and watched everything.



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