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Im in a videogame convention and there finally the new Ridiculous VR and I want to test it!, I had been doing a line of 3 hours but now I'm feeling the effect of that jumbo tea I bought, lucky I wearing one of my diapers in secret, my short hide them pretty well.

After 6 other guys I´m the next after that hot guy of the front of me, that makes me excited and a bit embarrassed because I had been filling my diaper like insane and I can feel how my Short it's going to explode in any moment.

But now is my turn and anything would make me reject this chance to try it, the lady helps me to put them properly and teaches me how to use it, I get it pretty quickly and a demo starts.

I'm in a snow mountain pretty high and I scream a bit, I can hear some people laugh at my reaction, I peek in the cliff and I get vertigo and I start to pee involuntarily.

Then a Demo of a museum starts, I look around watching the 3d models of the things when I start to hear heavy footsteps, I get pretty nervous and my bladder starts to empty when a Tyranosauirios Rex peek in a corner and suddenly runs at me, making me jump and scream.

The demo changed into a realistic forest but I can hear laughs and whispers but I don´t understand why. 

I can feel the lady touches my shoulder and I ask what is it, she tells me my pant went off and I get to freeze, I tried to move my legs and I feel it, my exposed soaked diaper crinkle naturally and my short was in my ankles, I try to pick up my pants but I still have the controls in my hands and I can only see a stupid fake forest.

So the laugh intensifies as I nervously and without success try to pick up my shorts, I hear a kid making fun of me, the lady of the game giggle, some people arriving gasping in confusion and the hot dude calling his other friends to watch that unbelievable loser in wet diapers.

Then someone grabs my short and pull it them making me fall.

"Haha guys, he is not gonna need it in the entire day rigth?" Says some guy and I can hear how my pants get trow away.

I want to say stop but I'm sitting in my soaked diaper with lots of people watching making fun of me, I sob a bit really humiliated.

"Lady, why don't you put a game more properly for the Baby" Says the hot guy to the Game assistant, I hear how she giggle and suddenly I'm in a digital crib, it looks like a baby nursery and there are lots of toys on the ground, its like a game desgined a baby could play.

More laugh sounds "play with your toys diaper boy" someone says in the audience, and there´s more laugh.

I really want to disappear and I try to hide my face but I realize I have the ridiculous and the controllers, I get blushed ashamed.

"Ooow cmon play Diaper boy!" Yells the Hot guy, and then his friends make a crowd too yelling all together "Diaper boy!", the kid and more people joins the yell, and I have no more option that keep the game and stay there a long time, sitting in my soaked diaper, playing with invisible baby stuff, and a whole crowd laughing, recording and yelling me to keep playing.



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