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 It wasnt the first time that Bewear  and Stufful take him  from trying to steal Pokemon.
Every time Bewear apperead she made sure to make Meowth feel like he was just too little to do evil stuff, even Stufful make his help Spaking him from time to time.
But this time was different, Bewear was holding a big pooofy Diaper and a baby Pacifier, and more Scary her expresson was more soft like she use to, and with incredibly speed she changed Meowth in the Poofy Diapers, and when Meowth tried to complain Stufful make sure to spank  him like the baby he really was-  

Hey there ٩ʕ•͡וʔ۶

I get inspired by the  puddlepup´s animated pics and I wanted to do something similar. ᵔᴥᵔ

This is one of the Padded fanarts that could be canon, in the last season Meowth has been Feed by Bewear, Carried by Bewear, Carried by Bewear and Spanked by Stufful simultaneously, even there's one episode that Team Rocket Dress like Kids and Meowth wears a diaper, a paci and baby clothes, and then Bewear arrives and take them in a giant stroll (Yhea all that its canon).... I couldn´t resist making this fanart it was my Duty. ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧

Hope you like this stuff i really enjoyed making this little animation.  ʕ•̫͡•ʔ♡*:.✧

I really want to experiment doing more of this stuff. ต( ິᵒ̴̶̷̤́ᆺ⃘ᵒ̴̶̷̤̀ )ິต




Put it in his mouthhh!