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Marcus it's a big boy (*^▽^*) and a rebel one (⌐▨_▨), he is pretty carefree and also charismatic _へ__(‾◡◝ )>, he isnt going to follow the rules and the only things that he matter its having a good time and flirt with cute girls and handsome guys (*⌒▽⌒*)θ~♪.

Lucky that i know a way he will become a "good boy" ʕ ·ᴥ·ʔ.


Hey there! ʕ灬→ᴥ←灬ʔ

Here is another Patreon Reward ʢ•ꇵ͡•ʡ✩⃛

I wanted to make a reference sheet of this cute character that i had keep in my sketch book ʢᵕᴗᵕʡ, later i could make reference sheet of the other characters ╲ʕ·ᴥ· ╲ʔ. 

 Im planning doing stuff with them  (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

But that could take a while  ʕ ˵ ̿ ౪ ̿ ˵ ʔ, so for now wait for some stuff for the Patreon Exclusive ಠ‿↼

Enjoy and Thanks! ( ◍•㉦•◍ )



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