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Hello everyone,

I'd like to announce that I'm taking a break from 08/02 to 09/02 for health reasons. I assure you that my health is not in danger, but I really need a break to rest, recharge my batteries and most of all to perform better. But before I go into details, I want to reassure you on several points: 

-There will be no billing for the period from August 05 to September 05! (I would have done it before, but Patreon only pays me for July from 05/08). Also, it would have been disrespectful and unfair to do so.

-I sent you the link for the month in a private message. If anyone didn't get it, please send me a private message.

-New subscriptions will not be available for this period, so please come back in September.

-I'm taking a BREAK, which doesn't mean I'm stopping, on the contrary, I'm more motivated than ever to continue my stories :) 

  • -A corrected version is available for the "Corpora Switch" commission!

  • A new version of Chapter 7 of Switching Suits will be released in September!


Anyway, I've made a short summary for people who don't want to read a long (and maybe boring) speech.

I've been working on my stories every day for over three years now, I've never taken a vacation, I work every day including holidays like Christmas and New Year. Note that I'm not complaining, I'm the one who chose this rhythm, and I don't regret it - on the contrary, I love it!

But since I switched to the comic format, and especially since all my stories are in that format, I take longer, I need more pictures, and I've become even more meticulous about my quality.

Add to this the various waves of leaks (to give you an idea, I lose between 1 and 2 days each time trying to stop the leaks. Then there's the harassment I get from some people on some sites (they insult me because I don't publish everything for free).

All this has led to immense fatigue (I sleep very little, about 5-6 hours a night) and this has started to affect my health. I told you about this in January 2024. My doctor had strongly advised me to take a month off, but I refused. For the sake of my stories, for the sake of the people waiting for their commission, and for the sake of you, my dear readers.

The problem was that it was causing me health problems: stress, headaches, backaches, and especially severe migraines, insomnia, and loss of appetite.

I wish I hadn't taken this break, because I'm afraid of many things, like losing you all, disappointing you, but also being forgotten somehow... I assure you, I'd never take a "vacation" for pleasure, but right now it's imperative for my health.

I give you my word that I'll be back in September, more motivated and determined than ever to bring you some excellent and exciting chapters, as well as a nice surprise for the end of the year!

As always, I'm being transparent with you, so I wanted to explain what's going on. I'm sure many of you will be disappointed or even angry because you've been waiting for a long time.

As usual, I'm being honest with you, so I wanted to explain what's going on. I'm sure many of you will be disappointed or angry because you guys have been waiting for the Switching Suits and Twisted Fate chapters, and I apologize for that.

I hope I won't disappoint you too much and I'll see you on September 02 for a REAL schedule and the continuation of my stories!

Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
