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So PATREON finally lets you make Collections (aka Folders) of things you have uploaded to the site..........after playing with it for awhile I must say that I will not bother to organize things for older stuff.

The reason being that their uploads search engine..............is not dynamic at all, unless you remember the exact file name or what exact tags it has it will not filter the files. Just to give an example I tried the filters with "Image" and the tag "Matsumoto Momo" and I barely got six results to add and trust me when I say that I have the tag "Matsumoto Momo" specifically in every Momo drawing that I have ever uploaded, even the roughs and wips. And on top of that the Tags are not even in any order (Alphabetic for example) and there is not way to sort them from what I have seen so far or even search for them. They are completely displayed randomly. I have more than 500 tags, if not more, no way I am bleeding my eyes searching through them.

And even when it adds them to the collection they are in random order, you can reorganize them in a dynamic way by literally dragging them and dropping them.........but still no. I have to scroll down pick the one I want and drag it (aka scroll up while holding it) to the "point" I want it to be. Was it too much to add a configuration to let you sort them by "modified date" or "upload date" ? Or at the very least to change the size of the "icons?" in that specific menu area to help you do the drag and drop by having more visibility?

I am one single person, I would need at minimum a full week to organize every post and include the final versions of drawings to a clean folder. Sure if I had someone else under my employment to handle PATREON and other social media stuff to do it for me then it wouldn't be a problem, but by myself it is too much time and effort for an aesthetic that you can be build moving forward with new uploads.

Do not get me wrong its a nice addition........but PATREON needs to be more dynamic and modern technology wise to use it....Deviant Art and PIXIV do the same thing and more a thousand times better. I have no idea how other people with thousands of posts are going to even handle the collections....unless they have people working under them that its their job to do such management of their PATREON etc...

So in conclusion I created some collections and I tried to include as many things as I could but it is more efficient to keep updating them from now on.


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