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Hello there people :)

I am conflicted inside regarding the recent Momo Summer theme drawings ^.^;;..... So far up to Part 2 everything was ok.

The "issue" is simple actually XD....either I finish it as planned in the 3rd part as show in a previous sketch......or.................I had a devious idea on how to make it kinda of a 5 part mini story XD.......the obvious problem is that drawing 3x more parts for it will take time and they won't be as easy XD....but I believe they will give a "fresh air" to my Momo and some of you might enjoy it :).

So since its hard for me to decide I will make it into a poll for you to decide in the end XD......



Both? I mean, it is whatever you feel like doing. I will always say yes to more, but only so long as you are down to do so.


I excluded having both because in the end..........the result would be the same ^.^;. The difference is that either I finish it soon or add some spice into it, take longer but have something not as common from me XD....Personally I was leaning towards the 5x part one but I was also considerate with all the rest of the work I have in my back......thus why I decided to hear what others have to say as well ^.^;.


I see there is a conflict on this poll as well so far XD.......


Oh well I suppose it falls to me to decide then T_T...