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Hello everyone and have a nice week :)! 

It has been awhile but here I am with a status update. I have started finalizing the January PATREON Tier commissions, if lucky I might have 3 more ready this week. 

I know I am behind but I am trying to keep the quality the same. Also this time January had more re-designs and those took time but I do believe the difference is obvious. And yes I also have some commissions that are off PATREON that I am working on as well as the casual free stuff etc... A problem I have with PATREON is the limitation of freezing payments, what do I mean with that? Its either everything or nothing, you can not as far as I have seen freeze individual TIERs etc... As you may realize that it problematic. So if you do not wish to further continue and wait to receive each months idea/reward you are free to either move to another TIER, in case you want to keep support me or simply un-pledge. Do not worry I will provide you with the commissions you paid so far!!! I just want to beg for your patience as always ^.^; !! 

In other news, this week I won't be Streaming. We got a call today from the crew that will be soundproofing our house that they will start work on this Wednesday. We are kinda angry for the last minute notice but....what can you do ~.~ .........I will be moving my working PC to a different room to work offline until my room is ready. According to them they need 2-3 days per room..... 

And finally with Easter being close I will just mentioned it now that from Friday the 22 of April until Tuesday the 26 of April I will be off for Easter Celebration with my family. I might return at Monday the 25 of April but just to be sure I leave a one day leeway.  

If anyone has any questions or needs further clarification regarding something please do note me :).



Have a fun Easter


I want to see the Easter version of Matsumoto momo please