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Hello everyone, hope you are doing well :).

Ok first of all for some local surprise new from Greece. When the news mentioned that we would have a heavy snow storm in the center of Athens, at first I did not believe them....mind you seeing snow in Athens is rather...............legendary rare XD.......The fact that last year we had a similar situation was a monumental "event"......and now there is almost a 1 meter snow in our yard in the center of Athens............in Greece XD.....that was both funny for some reason and worrisome. You have to understand that we are not used to this kind of weather XD.

Anyway I suppose it shall pass.

Now on the December left overs for the commission Tiers, I am working on them and I believe I can have 2-3 more ready by the end of this week. With that in mind there will be 2 commissions left from from December. Since I believe I am back on track I will not be freezing payments for January.

So starting from next week please send me the ideas for the month of January to organize them.

Thank you for reading this and have a nice week everyone :). 


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