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Hello everyone, hope you had a wonderful time during Christmas :D.

I wanted to just announce this weeks plan since the new year is around the corner.

I will try to finish 2x more PATREON commissions and thankfully have the New Year's Eve picture ready.

Also I would like to apologize for the lack of Streams but  we have "temporary" visitors , to my surprise, that will be staying with us for the holidays. As you might understand the house is kinda packed with kids as well ^.^;........ This is not something that I could foresee for December and really turns the wheel on the working schedule >.<......

Still I will work on what I can, see how things will proceed and try to plan for the given delays of December.

Never the less thank you for your patience and your support :). Oh yeah and do enjoy the holidays please *^.^*!!



Have an awesome New Year