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There is some background behind that. Maybe you've seen a contemporary statue of Medusa with Perseus' severed head? It's supposed to symbolize female rage and empowerment. Ok, I definitely not the one to complain about naked women with swords, I'm all for female empowerment, but why let the monster win? (And Medusa is a chthonic monster in the mythology, her sympathetic "rape victim" backstory comes from Ovid's Metamorphoses, rather a fantasy fanfic than a real myth). And what will happen to Danaë and Andromeda, weren't they women, too? Also, I feel bad for Perseus, I like him, he's one of the few Ancient Greek heroes who doesn't seem to be a sociopathic asshole.   

So, I came up with an obvious solution: to gender-swap Perseus and Medusa. So now we have a naked gal with a sword, empowerment is still there, and Danaë and Andromeda will be ok. Maybe Andromeda is a guy now. Of Persea and Andromeda will be same-sex, mixed race couple, I don't know.




Brilliant! I could see this turned into a sculpture, 3D print or even bronze cast.