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Hello Everyone,

My apologies once again, I  have been super sick the last few days and I have been struggling to be  vertical for the most part and writing laying down isn't really good  for productivity for me, I just fall asleep.

I hope to get  Chapter 11 out tomorrow but truth be told, with how I am feeling right  now, that might be a bit delayed. I am very sorry, I obviously don't  wish to be late on deadlines, I pride myself on the consistency I have  had for almost a year and to have it be a bit off this past week has  been highly frustrating to me.

Anyway, I hope to get 11  out, we will be shifting back to Lauren for that one and I imagine 12  will be Sam, but that depends where Lauren's story goes :D

Hope you enjoy :)


Edit: Forgot to add the Lauren text message from the end of Chapter 9, it is now in there


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