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Howdy Everyone,

My apologies for the  late post here, real life did kick my ass yesterday so I got home and  crashed. Better late than never, so here is chapter 2 of TAT:NNN the  third chapter is due on Monday and I have that written, just need to  edit and post on Monday. This weekend I am looking to try and tie it all  up but I suspect it might run a bit longer than I was thinking. We  shall see.

I hope you enjoy this one, a bit more candid and normal compared to the extravagance some of my other stories start with.

Let me know what you think and we might see more of these five characters in the future.

Lots going on my pages so if you haven't checked out the polls I am running on my DA & my Patreon, take a gander!

Also I am running a giveaway on my Twitter and I have just shared a discount code for my Gumroad too! Check it all out



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