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Howdy Everyone,

My apologies for not  managing to get that extra premium post over the line for the weekend, I  have been doing a fair amount of writing and I don't generally share  this with you until I know it will become a thing with a tangible  release but I am getting good feedback about the openess from my posts.

That  being said, I've started the poll story for this month, it will likely  bleed into December, that is my current thought process. It will start  releasing next week with the current timeline I am working on but from  next week there will be just posts on Monday, Wednesday and Friday  unless I get another story over the line.

The big polls have  mostly come to an end so a lot of people might not care about the ones  that are left, but please consider voting in them as it does help me  shape the page.

Lastly, I've been asked to write a story for  @MissDivineTemptation although she doesn't post so much anymore, she is  someone who I speak to daily so she has asked me to write something for  her, the reason I bring it up is that it isn't expansion or  weight gain content, it is just normal saucy smut. I am having fun  writing it, things are moving along, there is no real timeline for  completion yet but I was wondering if you all would be happy to see  something like that? It will likely be my most narrative based story and  the smut might be a secondary thing. It is a great thing to do for my  writing and to try and level that up but it might not be for everyone.  If I do release it, it will be a bonus release so you won't lose any  content for it. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thank you :D

Lastly,  this is just an FYI but my polls for the free releases have ended and  we have two winners, Neighbors and Future Back Problems, these will be  releasing over the next few days and the whole of both stories will be  available on my page by the end of the month :D

Lots going on my pages so if you haven't checked out the polls I am running on my DA & my Patreon, take a gander!

Also I am running a giveaway on my Twitter and I have just shared a discount code for my Gumroad too! Check it all out

This week on my paid releases

Monday BBF Chapter 9

Tuesday Cursed Pumpkins Chapter 6

Wednesday BBF Chapter 10

Thursday Cursed Pumpkins Chapter 7 (Finale) -Amazon & Gumroad Release next week

Friday BBF Chapter 11 (Finale)  -Amazon & Gumroad Release next week

This week on my Free Releases (DA)

Sunday (Already posted) Future Back Problems 1 & Neighbors 1

Monday Future Back Problems 2

Tuesday Neighbours 2

Wednesday Future Back Problems 3

Thursday Neighbours 3

Friday Future Back Problems 4

Saturday Neighbours 4

Sunday Future Back Problems 5

Thank you everyone for making these last two years absolutely amazing!



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