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Hello one and all!

It is incredible to believe that only two years ago I started this page. Looking back, I’ve done a lot, made a lot of stories, friends, learnt lots and got much more support than I could ever have dreamed of.

I want to thank everyone. Genuinely this has been so much fun, and it still continues to be.

I want to give back to you. I want to make something for you all, I want to do more this month and really make sure you all know how much I appreciate all of your support.

So, this month, I will be doing a few polls for my page going forward, some stories, some admin changes.

I want to give back to the free community, I know I have lots of fans who don’t have the disposable income to get access to some of their favourite stories so I wanted to release another full story for free as well as lower some exclusive stories into the looking ahead tier, mainly so that people can use the free trial so access some of these stories but also give to those supporters who are in that tier.

I know I said I had another chapter of Cursed Pumpkins coming soon, and I did but I set this rule for myself to release a chapter covering a day but that has now gone out the window. This week you will see a chapter of a story every single day. I’ve got three chapters almost completed (Just need to edit and review)

Upcoming Polls:

· Story for November

· Story for £3 tier

· Story for free (DA & Patreon 1 story each)

· Story release schedules (DA and Patreon)

· Content focus

I’ll definitely be back with some more updates as the month goes along, I am in a very good place as I write this with real life things, so I expect me to have more time to do some admin bits that I have yet to explore.

As always, thank you for the support, in any way you’ve given it. Every view, share, favourite comment. It all helps me immensely so thank you.



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