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Hello Everyone,

I wanted to give you another update, patreon specific this time

As most of you know, I have been uploading a story every day as part of the free trial, yesterday was the last one in that category so there should be a bit less spam going on my page now, for those who have already read these stories.

I will be releasing a new story and it was my intention to start tonight however, peeling back the curtain a bit, I am currently on Holiday, my original plan was to get back nice and early today so I could post from my PC but due to some last minute changes, I will be likely needing to release this tomorrow, my apologies. 

Going forward I wanted to keep you all update with what's going on and I do love a little bit of a teaser so:

I've got three commissions left and I wanted to give you detail on these.

1. Pregnancy themed story

2. A remaster and continuation of BBF

3. A spinoff from Epidemic WG

These aren't in order of release, just been working between all three as I try to set them all up. My hopes are to get these done and releaset 2 & 3 alongside some of the backlog of commissions I have still yet to release.

As per the Poll I will be making a BE themed story and I will turn to you all for some input on that via Polls so be sure to keep an eye out on those.

I've been collating a pad for some ideas so I've got plenty of things up my sleeve about where to go with more stories in the future but I wanted to let you know that I have the intention of doing a rather long, slow, ongoing story in the future, I will be releasing this alongside another story as I think it will be too long to release as just a single stream of chapter releases. 

Finally, I have gotten myself a new super fancy laptop and I have been seriously looking at doing more rendering on DAZ in the future, after playing around with this a whole bunch I think you'll see more content around that game I started work on ages ago, assuming that is still something ya'll want to see. 

I have a good habit of rambling on but I wanted to add one final thing. 

Thank you everyone for the support. My work has been supported by lots of you for a long time and whilst some people come and go I am incredibly grateful for those who give anything at all, it really does mean a lot to me and it keeps me writing so thank you. I am also glad for all the likes, favourites and shares that I've seen online, thank you again.



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