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Hello Everyone,

So April is here, a good few days ago now and I have yet to give my update, the constant posts have been quite busy work so I hope you’ve enjoyed the content at least.

So, I am giving you a bit later of an update this month, but better late than never.

I’ve got a new story on the way, I have submitted it to the commissioner, a little later than I would’ve liked but it is now in hand so once they give the thumbs up I will start posting it here, probably around Friday or so.  It is a pregnancy themed commission and as always with commissions, a bit different than my normal stuff so hopefully you all enjoy.

I’ve got a Weight gain story I am going to hope to get out after that and I’ve got two very short stories for some models I have seen around, that should be coming out this week.

Polls, I am going to have to have a big think about what to do with them this month but there should be some this weekend or so 😊

That is what is coming, just wanted to review the past few weeks.

So I’ve posted stuff on Gumroad to look a bit more like my amazon page, I still have work to do on that, I’ve upped my commission price and added a smaller tier commission too. Amazon is still popping with all my releases now landing on there when they finish on Patreon and Deviantart Subs.

Overall a very busy time the past few weeks have been, I have got six commissions left to write before the decks are cleared again so I will aim to continue this chapter every two days as often as I can so just wanted you to be in the loop about that too.

That is about everything from my writing, finally I wanted to discuss some other side fun projects, some are in very different stages right now, but I wanted to make sure you had the info.

Script writing – I have been writing for a few models behind the scenes and I have found it rather fun and I do hope to continue it, one of them has agreed to let me post some of the work here so I shall be doing that once it is all done and dusted.

Audio content – I have been in talks with a model to do some audio pieces for me, very early days but I am looking to explore writing something for them for their page and mine. The AI thing is still in the background so don’t panic, it is still there if you are looking forward to it.

Game stuff – I Haven’t spent a great deal of time on this lately but I have added a bit more to what I’ve done so far in terms of model making, nothing to show but I have been learning code and modelling techniques so this is something I do ultimately want to work towards.

A very bloated and stuffed update but I wanted to give you a big one as I haven’t done one in a while.

I am always about so feel free to message me, thank you everyone and seeing the amount of new subs and watchers etc has been really encouraging for me so thank you everyone for sharing my page around and supporting me, it means so much.

Thank you.



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