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Howdy everyone, 

I was playing around with some AI stuff, as I am one to do, and here is what came out of the voice generator, I wrote this tiny little tease for it to see how it'd come out. I think there are areas to improve on but I am genuinely looking for feedback on this so please be sure to vote in the poll on my page and let me know in the comments.



does it like......do inflection? can you teach it to? i think for short lil scripts it could work, at least.


It can, that was written with some attempts of it, I think there are ways to make it say lines better and land them with more impact etc but I am very new to using it so I can't say I have worked it all out yet 😅


I'm honestly amazed at how good it sounds. The little breaths between sentences, the different tones. I think a real voice actor would put more emphasis on certain words to make them sexier, but in the lack of a real voice actor this is pretty damn impressive.


It is rather impressive, I am quite happy with how it turned out but I do think there are ways to tune it to get a bit better. I think if it were to do a full story it might require a fair bit of editing to get it to sound right, if the poll looks good then I am happy to put that effort in.