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Edit: I wanted to come back to you regarding my commissions. I originally planned to give you a lot more time but after setting everything up, it appears that I can't schedule it to go live at a later time so it is now live. My apologies.

The price will be $45 for ~10k words. I know this is higher than my previous amount and I do want to be transparent, my first amount was very low compared to a lot of commission prices I've seen and the reason it is on DA is also because it gives me a lot more control with it about accepting and declining etc

It also doesn't charge immediately so if I don't accept, you aren't charged so it does give customers the protection and it stops me getting swamped as I can't quite work out how to limit them atm.

Also please note this is in Dollars, I am from the UK and obviously all my prices are UK prices usually so this is slightly different based on your country of origin. It does also mean you can pay in points, and I can turn that into money (If my reading is correct)

A few things which I will post on the commissions post but I wanted to share here too:

Commissions can be declined, I will reach out to you to discuss reasons or maybe we can alter it to fit TOS etc

TOS must be adhered too. They don't allow a few things so please be mindful.

There will be a wait time, this isn't my main job so I'd say 4-8 weeks would be a reasonable guess. That doesn't mean I won't get them done quicker. I am setting the time very far to ensure that I really do get time to hit these as I don't know how many I might get sent my way and how quick I might be able to write (Real life is a bitch sometimes)

I will be posting everything commissioned on my Patreon and DA subs, if this is a concern then please let me know and I can tweak aspects of the story before posting or we can discuss further.

I will complete commissions in full and share with commissioner before I start posting to DA Subs or Patreon.

Although I have chosen DA for these commissions, Patreon will still be the place to get all of my content. Patreon is and will continue to be my #1 place to post all my content.

I have attached a "Commission Questionnaire" to this post, it is designed to help you with some basic questions to prompt you. You don't have to use it but if you are stuck for thinking how to write it up, please have a look at this or reach out to me on discord (GrowingDesires#7354), Patreon messages or DA messages / notes.

Although it says 10k words that isn't exact, I suspect that every story will hit 10k or 9500 but most if not all will probably teeter into 11-12k. If a commission is too packed or too much I will reach out and discuss with you privately. Similarly, if the commission comes in short, I will reach out and discuss, I'd rather discuss and write a second short story than force some extra words just for padding's sake.

So, I think that is pretty much everything I can think of right now, please feel free to check out my links to see all the ways you can contact me or see my pages etc




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