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Hello everyone,

Long time no speak.

Firstly, I must apologise, over the past few weeks I lost the ability to use my PC and internet. I managed to get my PC back up and running a few days ago and was able to write offline but only today, after 3 weeks or so of complaining, have I managed to get my internet back. Frustrated doesn't even begin to describe my feelings towards my ISP. 

But, I am back and I am going to start releasing content tomorrow. I am going to write as much as I can to finish this month off as I am horrednously behind where I wanted to be this month. 

I can only apologise and I appreciate those who have joined and have kept their sub on. I never intended to go off and to come back during such a busy time in my real life is most certainly not what I would've liked but I really want to make sure that I provide content and give what I believe I owe all of you. 

I love making content, I love writing and I love hearing the great feedback from you all and these past few weeks have been hyper frustrating to me.

Thank you for your patience and there is content to come.

Tomorrow will start the release of Epidemic WG as I hope to get a good number of chapters out for that before the end of the month. 



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