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You’ve known Susie for a while, you grew up with her in school and you became good friends, you both now attend the same university and regularly hang out in each other’s room. University was liberating for you and her, alcohol, free from the rule of your parents. Lots of opportunities to discover yourselves.

One particular night of deep and meaningful conversation Susie and you started talking about interests, it divulged into a more sexual nature and the topic of fetishes came up. You’ve never seen Susie any other way, so you thought nothing of it, but it proved to be a rather interesting conversation.

Susie and you shared a common interest. The freshman fifteen took Susie by the end of the first fortnight, she admitted that she enjoyed food, the act of eating, the act of gaining. A bit more than she should.

When she told you, you remember the shame on her face, despite being inebriated she had remorse for her words. You were pleasantly delighted and equally inebriated yourself. You have always enjoyed larger women, it is probably the biggest reason you’ve never really seen Susie in that way, she has always been a stick, her family used to control her diet, now however, she was free.

That was a few weeks ago, although you remember it well enough, neither of you talked about that night at all, it was just a happy memory in your mind, you both were still the same. Susie hadn’t really gained any more weight.

Tonight, it was her turn to host, you grabbed some snacks and some drinks before knocking on her door. She opens the door and grabs you by the wrist, almost with so much force that you nearly drop the drinks.

“Hey, what’s up?” You ask, concerned at Susie’s aggression.

“Remember a few weeks ago…”

You play dumb but you know exactly what she is on about.

“What about a few weeks ago?”

“We were at your place, talking…” She struggles to say the next part. “About what we like…”

“Oh… Um… Yeah.”

“Well, we never talked about it…”

“I guess it was just the alcohol, right?” I try to deflect the conversation.

“Maybe but… I wanted to show you something.” She says timidly.

Your heart starts to race, your mind going wild at all of the possibilities.

Curse your overactive imagination.

You feel a stirring in your pants.

“What?” You ask nervously.

“Come with me.” She rushes towards the bathroom.

You walk through the door and stare at her, she looks triumphantly at a big purple pill next to the sink.

“What’s that?” You ask.

Susie looks to you as if she is going to explain but she suddenly stops herself from speaking by stuffing the pill into her mouth and taking an exaggerated swallow.

“Watch.” She says, still nervous.

You watch her for a second and nothing happens, before you can start to comment you see her face start to contort in a strange way.

“It is working.” She says in disbelief.

“What are you talking abou-“

Suddenly you can see, there is movement from beneath her PJ shirt, her body is shifting.

“Susie?” I ask.

Without another word she pulls her top over her head and reveals her naked torso to you. Your cock starts to shift in your pants as you notice the reason for her body shifting.

She is gaining weight.

Rapidly at that, she grows before you, you see pounds of flesh being pumped into her body. You would’ve guessed before arriving here in university that she was barely 120lbs, the past few months have brought her up to 150lbs maybe. Now she was soaring into the early 200s.

Her breasts swell and expand into the fattest tits you’ve ever seen.

Do they make bras that big?

Her belly is protruding further off her frame than her tits as she now passes the point that she could easily reach the apex of her gut. It stops its outward growth and next you notice her belly start to rise, her width capacity seemingly reached, her stomach swells upwards and spreads her breasts as her belly now sits between her cleavage.

Susie leans back against the tile wall, she looks on in disbelief as her deepest darkest fetish is being fulfilled before her eyes, yours too.

She looks over to you as her expansion stops, her hands rub the soft flesh now affixed to her torso.

“I’ve got another pill…” She says in a soft whisper.



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