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Hello all,

I am just looking for some feedback. Previously I would release stories regularly on a set schedule similar to:

Monday: Commission A

Wednesday: Ongoing Story

Friday: Commission B

Saturday: Ongoing Story

And these last two months I have gone for a more of a "Release what ever I feel like writing" 

I am curious to how you all feel about these two styles, this poll isn't going to solidify the changes or may have no impact on the changes but I am curious about your thoughts :)

For me:

Set Schedule: Consistent progress on a story, you get the end of a story by the end of the month, I'm not sure if it is better quality in this format or not? 

Rapid Fire: More fun in a sense, I don't hit any walls in writing, I think it allows me to be more creative and explore different stories more freely. 

I think Rapid fire is generally more content per month? but its more spread I guess?

Just looking to see what you all think is all :) 


So it was a close one! as I said, I can't promise one way or another but following the feedback my hopes is to return to scheduled posting as much as possible as it feels better for you all.
Don't get me wrong, I may write rapid fire again but I guess I'll aim to stick to a schedule so you all know what is coming out and when. 

Only exception is if we hit 150 patreons, that will be rapid fire for the Poll Story :P

Thank you for your votes and I will try my best to give you the best content going forward :) 




A hybrid might be worth considering. Having a baseline of a set schedule that's definitely achievable even in a bad month, with content above that being more adaptive and in a rapid-fire style. Speaking generally, if it was absolutely necessary to select one, I'd be more inclined toward rapid-fire, in the sense that it seems like it would be the most responsive to what grooves you find yourself in.


I think I'd prefer to meet the schedule approach as it feels more structured and would give more consistency However Rapid fire seems to get me in a more productive mindset that allows me to jump around the place so if I find I can't write anymore for Story X I can just write Story Y. I don't think I will pick one per say but I wanted to check in with everyone as it is something different I've done over the past two months to make up for inconsistent posting as I felt I've not done a great job structually to release content in the best way, so I focused more on giving content rather than grinding stories that I had hit a small roadblock with if that makes sense?