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Hello Everyone,

I've not done a great deal with updates recently, not keeping you all in the loop so this morning I took some time to write this for you all, it is also up on DA.

Since the end of February I have been posting on DA every day, sometimes its behind my subscription tier and sometimes its free but regardless, I have had a release every single day. I am now coming to the end of this cycle as my DA subscriptions have now caught up to my Patreon. I have got more content coming out and the weekends will still have releases on both Saturday and Sunday but the weekdays will now start to dry up a little bit.

Over on Patreon I have been releasing chapters at a daily rate, a rate which I can't maintain forever obviously, however I am very eager to keep sharing and continuing stories that I am still completing.

I am still working on commissions, I have got a backlog still, so as I edge my way through these I will be considering opening them back up, although this won't be for a little while yet.

I've updated my Gumroad page which I have made a mild song and dance about here on DA which you might have seen, thank you to everyone who has purchased from there to support me and my friends, it does mean a great deal. There is a 25% discount code on my Patreon if you did want to get the exclusive Valentine's Day for cheaper too.

For those that have missed it I have been writing this month so far:

Lucy's Ludicrously Large Lady Lumps, Neighbours, Dancing Sisters and Royalty over on my Patreon

I am looking to write by the end of the month:

Lucy's Ludicrously Large Lady Lumps, Neighbours, Dancing Sisters, Resit, First two chapters of two of my last commissions and potentially look to pick up either Hungry, Retail or Delivery.

I also have a few sets of pictures that Miss Divine is interested in me doing something with so stay tuned for that one (Captions? Storys? or Just image packs)

I have been working on my communication with my page over the last week or so where I am now posting on twitter more often and I am sharing content from people that I have been speaking to on discord and I have shared my work in some more groups. Thank you for those who have suggested new groups and even added some of my work to those groups, it really does help my work getting seen.

So as you can see I have been a busy bee indeed, I am still working hard on this stuff along side my 50-60 hour weeks with my IRL job. There is more and there will continue to be more for a long time so I appreciate all 2600+ of you who follow my page and follow my content. To the 110-140 Patreons who support my content, thank you for directly supporting my work. To the 20 or so Deviantart Subscribers, I also want to thank you a lot too, your support gets my work shared on this platform better and I have more visibility. Everyone who shares, favourites and reads my work, you all help my content get around so thank you.

I will always be thankful for the support you all give me and my work and even now 7 months after launch I cannot believe the way this community has embraced my work. Thank you so very much.



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