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Good Morning Everyone

Firstly, thank you everyone for your support, as always, it means so much to me! So thank you.

I have been a bit quiet on the update front and I want to apologise as I am sure most of you like to hear about what is coming and what I am planning. I have been dealing with a lot in real life over the past month and you would've seen that in the first half of april with a lack of posts but I hope the latter half of the month made up for it with a post being done every day for just about a week?

I really did get into a groove of writing and posting so I was very happy with that but truth be told I still wanted to get more out for you all. All of the comments were great and privage messages so thank you.

I was writing most of that in real time almost so the turn around was quick and I know I can do that but it certainly isn't sustainable. I have had two days off writing now just to recover the batteries and I am looking to get back into things in the next 24 hours but I want to make sure I take a good amount of time to make sure these posts are great before they go out as it became a bit of a rush in the last week of April. 

So it will be quiet here for a few days but I hope to have a regular stream of content coming your way once again, maybe not every day but hopefully at a pace around that.

I want to desperately clear my backlog of commissions and clear out any stories I have been wanting to write and as a result I don't think I will be doing a Poll this month for a story however I will likely give a few other polls to help me shape writing on some ongoing stories or maybe new ideas I've been wanting to write about. To compensate that teir I will be releasing some £5 stories for that tier as it is only fair there is some compensation there :)

I have got more pictures I need to edit and sort out from Miss Divine and potentially from Alexa so there might be more dropping throughout the month, not sure if that is something you guys want? Let me know :D 

I won't be giving you a story list of things I am working on yet as I want to make sure that I have everything in place before I give anyone hope for something :P

I think that is everything, so ending my ramble there, thanks again everyone



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