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Hello everyone, 

I hope everyone has been keeping well! 

My latest commission that I am working on is  a story based around weight gain and vampires.

It is a big one and its still ongoing so I've got a few chapters to polish before release but today I will release chapter 1, chapter 2 will land on sunday :)

This is a crossover with Jakotsufan88 over on Deviantart, he commissioned me to write a story and then took his own crack at the same commission, very interesting if you ask me! 

You can read his version here 

Let me know what you think, I've been writing this for a while and I've bounced in and out of it a few times but I am happy with where it is and where it is going but there will certainly be more on the way

Chaper 1 - Today

Chapter 2 - Sunday 

Chapter 3 - Next Friday 

Back into my writers grotto I go to get another new story ready for Monday for you all :D 

Take care and thank you for the support! 



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