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Howdy everyone! 

So the polls are coming to a close soon, last few days to make those votes count if you haven't already.

Clearly you are all wanting more breast content this month, Retail taking both polls by storm and this month's poll story is hyper breast themed! 

I don't see the results moving much in the next few days so I guess we look towards a few BE chapters this month 

Whats coming up:

  • I have still got L5 on release this month so there are a few chapters to come of that
  • Resit Chapter 4 will land really soon! Today or Tomorrow
  • I've got a Weight gain commission that will land tomorrow, I have a few chapters for this to land this month, it is a joint release and It is still ongoing and will be for quite some time, although there might be some breaks during its release cycle.
  • I'm going to continue writing resit and I hope to get a chapter or two this month, I'll start the chapter of retail (unless the poll does change) and hopefully get a chapter of that out too this month.
  • Finally I will start work on the Hyperbreast story after the Poll closes

So lots of content on its way despite the slightly slow start to the month

Thank you all for your support, I certainly do appreciate it :) 


Update: The Weight Gain Commission is going to be delayed by a Week, however there will be 2 chapters dropping. I am writing this alongside another author and they are still putting the touches on their release. 


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