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Hello everyone! 

Just wanted to give you all an update on where I am and what is happening behind the scenes. TLDR at the bottom


I have taken the decision to pause my commissions, everyone who has an outstanding commission will recieve a completed story and I will reopen them as soon as I can get back ontop of them but due to a few factors I have fallen behind and therefore I didn't want to over promise something I couldn't deliver to a high quality.


Voice work IS ongoing but me and Alexa have had some issues with equipment so we are working tirelessly to get this up and running as we are very concious that we wanted content to have here for you all.

To be more transparent, there is a good take of a read but unfortunately there is a lot of background noise, static and muffling on the audio track that I can't clean up enough to say its a good release. 

Each chapter of Retail is coming in at around 15 minutes currently so we are looking at how we distribute this and share that content with yourselves.

I am in talks with Miss Divine Temptation to record audio content too and I am hoping we don't have the same issue with her as she will be using my hardware and after many tests I haven't noticed any issues currently.

We are also looking into doing Voice commissions. One at a lower price if you provide the script, one higher if you ask me to write a script. It is paid per minute so if you want something small it is cheap but if you want an entire audio book then it will cost more.

Release Schedule

So having been working on large, longform commissions these past few weeks, a lot of this is still ongoing so until they are fully completed they won't start releasing as I want the commissioner to read and have the story first and make sure that everything is perfect before I release it here.

That being said I have got a new chapter of Retail coming out on Friday and I have started work on the voted for story of BE which will land before the end of the month, I am hoping to get a chapter of Hungry in there too. 

Future commissions:

SSBBW Weight gain Vampire work - 20-30k words

SSBBW Weight gain Sisters - 10k 

LLLLL Part 3 & 4 - 20k

The Bra part 2 - 8k

Hourglass Weight gain - 10k

Breast Expansion Reality change  - 10k

Deviantart Subs

Some of you might have noticed that I am also now doing Deviantart Subs, I choose to do this purely becuase of a few fans reaching out and asking if I would post them there as they didn't like Patreon. I want to make this clear. Patreon is and unless I say otherwise, will always be my go to posting spot. I have had some asks to get my content on Subscribestar too as some people don't like Patreon OR Deviantart. 

Patreon will remain my primary posting point, this will become apparent as currently I am just working on getting my content up to speed over there. Patreon will be ahead of the curve for sometime and I will likely keep it that way if only be a week or so. These other services are only there to allow for different ways to get my work but they will all link to here as this is my primary posting point. So don't subscribe to my Deviantart and here unless you just want to give me more money. You will not get more content if you sub to both.

So as I am still playing catch up, I've got a chapter coming out everyday over on Deviantart until I catch back up. Currently with scheduling posts on DA, it doesn't like it when you've got too many queued posts so I'm not sure when that will all finish but it should be midway into April at least, so if you are a Patreon Sub and follow my work on DA, my apologies for the spam!


I am also looking to get some more of my stories available as a one off over on Gumroad to let people purchase them as a standalone as again this was requested much like the deviantart subs. This will only usually add a picture for a cover which will be available on my Deviantart for free. 

All stories that show up on Gumroad will already be available on my Patreon so much like DA subs, don't purchase a story that is here and there E.g Reunion, and expect more content as it is the same file. 

Other works

I have had other work commissioned previously that isn't in the expansion genre and falls under Fan fic erotica. These were short, really short stories that were commissioned. I have written them and submitted them to the commissioner but I was thinking about touching them up and maybe releasing them here for you guys? It is a bit weird as it certainly is something I've not ever written about but after speaking in the discord about it, it seemed that there was some appetite for it? I'll complete those and get them here before the end of the month too as like extras. 


  • Complete Commissions by end of April, release each story once completed
  • BE story by end of month
  • Voice work to come from Alexa & (hopefully) MDT
  • Hungry Chapter 14
  • Long term aim: Two ongoing stories, noncommission, to have 2-3 chapters a month and one Exclusive story


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