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Well another month has come and gone and this crazy ride is still going.

Thank you for everyone's amazing comments, watches on DA, favourites, likes etc it really all does mean a lot, especially reaching out to me on discord / twitter. Really does make it all worth it to hear your feedback so thank you everyone.

Recently thanks to your support my DA page hit 1600 watchers, which is insane! so thank you.

I wanted to give you an update about what is coming as there is a lot going on in the background. I have got quite a few commissions to get through and I want to make sure that I don't split my time between my own work and commissions so I want to solely focus on commissions for the next 2 weeks or so. This will mean that my normal content might be a bit slower to come out but I assure you there is still content coming.

I will be doing a lot of housekeeping with my pages over the coming days so things may look a little different and hopefully my pages are better for it. Mostly descriptions on sections of my pages but I am looking to do a content list of my work so you can easily find my work and what story you want.

So what's coming? Well...

I've got two commissions which I've teased on Patreon which are releasing this month The Bra & Size Matters. Both are very different to what I've written so far. I will be releasing the write up like I usually do so you can see what the content will be about. I've had great feedback from them and I've got some more work to do for those two commissioners including a "The Bra" part 2.

I am going to be adding another commission to the schedule, Lucy's Ludicrously Large Lady Lumps. The write up will land on DA soon and the story will release in the early access tier before coming to DA next month. I am already working on part 2 and there might even be a part 3.

I hope to get these commissions done and put some out immediately so you have more content however if I get enough time I'd love to continue Hungry, Retail and maybe BBF and possibly look at an original exclusive to come out this month.

Finally the big one. Voice work.

Those who are on my Patreon will have already had a sneak peak at a trailer and that trailer will drop this Saturday on Deviantart with the full version dropping on Saturday 12th Feb. The wonderful Alexa Allure is a close friend of mine and she has joined forces with me to read my content to you all. Currently there is a Poll on my Patreon asking what you'd like to hear her read next month. I am also going to be creating a few more scripts ready for the full voice schedule that I am planning for next month. I also have another friend who is interested in reading some content so I am hopefully looking to see if I can use both of those voices to make content, maybe a joint release, maybe two versions of the same story etc.

Alexa is active on Twitter, Discord (Alexa Allure#6286), Deviantart and Patreon so please give her a huge warm welcome as she is very excited to hear what you all think about her content.

So, lots going on this month even if some things are sitting on the back burner. As always, all of my stories are on my Patreon so please feel free to join my page, lend your support and gain access to all of my work. I grately appreciate all of the support and kind words you all give me so thank you very much.



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