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Hello All

What a hectic month it has been! I have had a lot going on but still delivered on the biggest month. More content and lots of stuff in the works. I have a few things already planned on a release schedule for next month and there are some things I want to talk about with everyone.

Looking back - January

Technique – Ongoing, will complete by the end of the month

Wizard – Chapters 3 & 4 will land before the end of Jan

Desire – 5 Chapters - Will finish by the end of the month

Hungry – 3 Chapters, Third one dropping Saturday

BBF – 2 chapters – Chapter 4 will drop tomorrow

Retail – 1 Chapter, unfortunately it is still on pause

2 Polls – Next month’s winner is Weight gain, first chapter will drop in Feb

Delivery – Full Story will drop before the end of the month

There was a lot going on in my real life along with the content I make here and I have had a good few commissions submitted so I have spent a good majority of the month getting those done and cleared.

Looking forward

The winner of the Poll in Jan was for a weight gain story so that will be the ongoing story for the next month

I am looking to continue writing for Hungry and potentially picking Retail back up.

Phil has been quiet, maybe we could check in for his Valentine’s Day plans? 😊

I have 3 teasers dropping before the end of the month, 2 write ups for commissions dropping next month and a teaser for a Breast expansion script that a good friend of mine read.

Voice work

I have some close friends who are lending me their voice to get some content made, they are a bit sceptical so really looking for some feedback so I can get that over to them to let them know how good they are, what they can do better and obviously help us make better content.

I have got someone to read through the current stories I have written in an audiobook format, I will be putting a poll up on Patreon in Feb to see what you all want to have her read. I will also have a few follow up polls to help shape how voice work goes in the future so be sure to get involved to help shape the way my content goes.

I have written a few scripts for another friend to read with much more emphasis on acting and the content is written for that purpose, there is a big difference in how it sounds obviously. I will be releasing a trailer for it for Patreons before the end of Jan. The first script she has read will come out on Valentine’s day.

Thank you so much for the support and I would love to hear from you all so please feel free to hit me up on any of the socials I have:

Discord, Patreon, Deviantart, Twitter or even reply to this post. I’d genuinely love to hear your thoughts on January’s content and what I have planned for February, especially the voice content.

If you made it this far, thank you! Hope to read your comments and hope you enjoy the release schedule!



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