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Hello again everyone

My apologies for being a bit quiet on the ol' update front even though some more stories have dropped.

With the holidays here I have had an extremely busy few weeks and I've managed to get more content out but struggled to get onto the platforms themselves to interact and update you all, my apologies.

I've got quite a bit to go through as we head to the end of the month.


Saturday 25th I have a short story dropping over on Patreon & Deviantart

Sunday 26th will see the release of Retail Chapter 9

Wednesday 29th I will be releasing the 1st chapter in my second commission over on Patreon and Deviantart with the rest of it being released over the next couple of weeks

Friday 31st Short story continuation of the 25th story

Saturday 1st Another continuation

I thought I would have a bit of holiday fun with some of my work so that is why there is a slight change. BBF & The second Poll story will be continuing / launching in Janurary. Retail and Hungry will also make a return.

Second Poll Story:

The results are in and the patreons have decided that the ongoing story will be a flirty and teasing ass expansion story.

Next Month Patreons:

£3 Tier

I will be making more polls in Jan to get input on what people want to see coming next. 1 week advanced viewing of Hungry and Retail. 1 Month advanced viewing of BBF & the Second poll story.


You will get access to the commission that will be releasing, Desire, it is a weight gain themed story that clocks in at 8800 words or so. You will also get access to the short story that releases on the 1st of Jan which might have a continuation towards the end of the month. I will also be looking to write another exclusive story, bit longer than my other work. If time gets the better of me then it may be another commission.

General updates:

I have added some goals on my Patreon Page based on number of patreons.

150 - Community story - Lots of Polls, Lots of decisions and choice, story to be voted on by Patreons. The idea is lots of short chapters with lots of choices to guide the narrative. Think of it like choose your own adventure.

200 - A big thank you story, 20-30k will cover a range of fetishes

250 - I will look at making a text based game using some program out there. My gut is leaning towards renpy as it will work on phones and It also has the capacity to take images. I am not an artist by any stretch of the imagination but getting some artwork is within my reach.

Deviantart watchers just hit 650 watchers. I am still yet to write a thank you story for the watch count but I have got a watcher gallery created thanks to my core subscription so I will be adding content to there very soon!

Discord integration is coming to my Patreon. I get messages off of a few of you and its great to interact but the issue is that Patreon, Deviantart and Twitter are terrible when it comes to messaging however, Discord is pretty good. I have just made the server and it is live here

I have worked on a side project which I am hopeful you will all enjoy. There isn't a timeline for release yet but I will say that it involves some voice work. I definitely enjoyed making the script and I hope you guys enjoy the finished result. When it goes up I will share the link for you to find it on their page :)

Finally, I wanted to reiterate my thanks once again. You have all been amazing in your support for my content and it is amazing to see how many comments, messages, shares, favourites, watches and patreons I have been getting. I haven't even finished my second full month. Thank you everyone, this is a wild rollercoaster and I hope you all enjoy the ride :P

Thank you very much



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