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Polls are back!

BBF will be ongoing weekly like Retail & Hungry however they will be on a month delay before they hit free.

This time I want to see what other ongoing tale you want me to write about, Everyone who is in the £3 and above tiers can vote and like last time there will be theme polls. So please vote on all the polls to make sure that your voice is heard.

This poll will be about the behaviour of the person experiencing the growth / focus of the fetish. You can vote on multiple, I think that will allow you all to shape the polls better.

The poll will be live for a week along side the other ones, hopefully getting the first chapter / intro peice done before the end of the month to fully fire up in Jan.

Thank you for the support and happy voting

Edit: Can't spell check / change the poll once submitted >< Naive**



This probably falls under lustful, but I love it when a character gets addicted to/dependant on the feeling of growth.


I would class it as something slightly different if you mean they become turned on by it hopelessly? Like the feeling of the change drives them wild and they become a horny mess esssentially. Ahegao or something? Lustful for me is measured horniness with someone in control trying to tease someone sexually for their own amusement and to get sex


Different from lustful then. Suppose she wants to have a little more to work with up top, or a more shapely figure. She tries out a pill that helps give her some curves and finds out it works. Maybe one more wouldn't hurt... she gets to a decent but normal size and decides that's enough. But there's something about the sensation of growth and the confidence and... screw it just one more. But then she's done. Except for she can't help but wonder what it would be like just a little bigger. Fighting with herself to try not to take any more and inevitably failing, losing herself to the pleasure that comes from the growth. Eventually she gives in, lost to the overwhelming ogasmic pleasure and the desire to get bigger. Moments of clarity come to her where realizes what she's done to herself, but falling back into the temptation, at some point giving in completely. I like the reluctance to grow at first and then an overwhelming desire for it. The format probably works better as a slow burn, but time skips can maybe manage it better. Also it doesn't need to be pills. Could be anything.