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its finally done... the grand finale is here! drawing this short Neeko story was simply an amazing experience in which i learned a lot, i feel like i improved as an artist, gettin out of my comfort zone and pumping these 3 pages back to back :) 

Hope you guys liked it! and i'll leave with some background of Neeko's feelings thruought this journey:

                    "I got to hear master's moans fill the jungle as I went crazy on him. He couldn't pull away! He actually begged me to slow down. Hehehe, slow down? No! Faster! Neeko loves that tingly feeling that makes it hard to think and focus...it's so addicting! Sometimes it feels so good you can barely move.

Master does things to Neeko that feel so good she can't speak sentences, her brain resetting every time Master thrusts deep inside her. He tried to pull out once, because Neeko is too good at what she does, but tail wouldn't let him either. No breaks, keep it inside. <3"

 "Nothing beats the feeling of bonding with Master! Making him blush, kissing him passionately, cuddling with him, and mating with him! I love that shaking he does when he spews his white seed.

His voice gets so deep when I felt him empty his entire being into me...not a single drop being left inside him. "Fuck I love you Neeko" he growls out as I tighten my pussy around his throbbing dick, putting him through the most intense orgasm he's ever felt."

               "It made my heart pound faster than ever, knowing he was never going to forget this night! It still feels like he's inside me even after it's over. Him going in and out of me imprinted in my mind and body. I am his mate, and he is mine! I want sex with Master every day!

 My tummy is filled with new life now. Life we made together! Neeko wants to spend forever rebuilding her tribe with Master!"

-once again thank you Nani for the writing!




So good 🔥🔥


I think one of the versions is missing? 2 of the images seem to be the same. Maybe I'm missing something?